Member of the United States Republican Parliament urged the Biden government to include two Chinese battery manufacturers who violated the United States to prevent the Uighur Labor Law in the entity list.

Comprehensive Voice of America and Politico, USA, John Moolenaar, the new chairman of the China House of Representatives Special Committee, and Mark Green, chairman of the House of Resources and Safety Committee Mark Green, Marco Rubio, Vice Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and two members of the two members Carlos Gimnez and Darin Lahood on Wednesday (June 5) jointly namedThe assistant minister of the Ministry of Land and Safety, Robert Silvers, was responsible for strategic, policies and plans to make the above requirements.

Mulesnar said in a statement: "The Special Committee of the China Issue Finding the Certificate of Iron Certificate in the supply chain of Guoxuan Hi -Tech and Ningde Times shows that their production process and Uyghur racial extinction occurred in China in ChinaIt is closely related, so the forced labor law enforcement work team must immediately include Guoxuan Hi -Tech and Ningde Times in a entity list to prohibit their commodities from importing the United States.The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act is prevented by the unanimous adoption of the House of Representatives.This bill contains the core concept of the "Rebuttable Presumption" system, that is, unless the US official is not forced labor certification, it will always predetermine that all products that are mining, produced or manufactured in Xinjiang have used forced labor, soImport in accordance with US law.

According to this method, any physical manufacturing products that manufacture or are included in the entity manufacturing of the physical list of the labor law forced Uighurs must not enter the United States, unless the US Customs and Border Protection Commission can provide clear and orderly, and order to orderFaithful evidence proves that these products are not forced labor production.