(Beijing Composite Electric) Chinese officials call on Chinese and American universities to strengthen exchanges to promote friendship between the two countries.

According to the Xinhua News Agency on Thursday (June 6), the official Chinese official recovered with the President of the University of Kenne of the United States to encourage universities in China and the United States to strengthen exchanges and cooperation and contribute to the promotion of friendship between China and the United States.

Chinese officials pointed out in the letter that Sino -US relations have closed the welfare and fate of the people's future.Educational exchange cooperation helps to promote the people of the people of the two countries, especially the youth, and the future project to develop Sino -US relations.

He hopes that universities in the two countries have strengthened exchanges and cooperation through various forms, cultivating both young messengers in China and familiar to the United States, and building more bridges for promoting China -US friendship.

In May 2006, under the official promotion of the then Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, Wenzhou University and the University of Kenne of the United States formally signed a contract to decide to cooperate with the founding of Wenzhou Kenne University.Wenzhou Kenne University was officially established in 2014. At present, there are about 4,500 students from Benshuo, and a total of more than 3,300 undergraduate graduates have been trained.Reperoprert, president of the University of Kenne, recently believed in Chinese officials to introduce the school's schooling situation and results, and said that it would help more American youths to go to China to communicate and learn, and promote the strengthening of exchanges between China and the United States.

Chinese officials said in the re -letter that with the joint efforts of both parties, Wenzhou Kenne University's school has achieved remarkable results and has become the iconic project of Sino -US education cooperation.

In November last year, China officially announced that it was announced during the visit to San Francisco that China was willing to invite 50,000 American teenagers in the next five years to exchange and learn in China.More than 20 students from Maskatin Middle School in the United States conducted exchanges and visits to Beijing, Hebei, and Shanghai in January this year.