After the historic trial of former US President Donald Trump and being sentenced to criminal crimes, the Republican super rich donated money to support him.

Trump is a Republican candidate for the US election in November this year. He was found to have a falsifying business record to cover up the crime of paying to the former Perinet Storm Middot; Stormy Daniels.

Although he lags behind Joe Biden and the Democratic Party in terms of fundraising, the result of this verdict has injected new power mdash into his campaign; his campaign team announced that in the short 24 hours after the judgmentIt raised nearly $ 53 million (£ 41.6 million).

Middot, an American gambling tycoon Middot;

According to US media reports, Adelson will donate to a political action committee named Preserve American.The Political Action Commission can provide financial support for candidates for elected positions without restrictions.

Although it is unclear how much she plans to invest, according to Politico and other US media reports, the donation is expected to surpass Aderrson and her late husband Sheldon in 2020.Promoting $ 90 million donated by the United States before the election.

Others may also follow suit.Within a few hours after the judgment last week, some billionaires left messages to support Trump.

Silicon Valley investor Davided; David Sacks is one of them. He posted on X (formerly known as Twitter) and said that there is only one question of this election: Whether the American people can tolerate the United States as the Banana Republic.

On June 6, Sax and investors, the also investors, Middot; Chamath Palihapitiya planned to hold a fundraising event for Trump in San Francisco.The participants were reportedly asked to donate up to $ 300,000.

Another potential donor, hedge fund manager Bill Middot; Bill Ackman is expected to announce the support of Trump on X in the next few days.

Three years ago, Akman said after riots in the US Congress that Trump should apologize to all Americans, but the tone of the financialist has eased and expressed support for Trump online.

Steve Schwarzman, chief executive officer of Blackstone Group, is one of the most famous billionaires in Wall Street. He has announced that he will support Trump in the election.

Like Akman, Schwartzman also kept a distance with the former president.

But in late May, Schwartzman said that he, like most Americans, was worried that our economy, immigration, and foreign policy was bringing the country to the wrong direction.

He also said that the sharp rise of anti -Jestic has prompted me to pay more attention to the consequences of the upcoming election.

So far, other well -known rich people who support Trump include the founder of hedge fund John Middot; John Paulson and Robert Middot; Robert Mercer, and the pioneer of shale gas Harrde;Hamm) and casino tycoon Steve Middot; Steve Wynn.

Billionaire investor Nelson Middot; Nelson Peltz stated in the U.S. Congress that he regretted voting to Trump in 2020, but now he has changed his mind and in March in his Florida State in MarchThe seaside mansion received the former president.

On the other hand, Elon Musk has previously stated that he will not donate to any candidate in this election cycle, but he plans to host a live city hall with Trump to host a live city hall styleActivity.

Similar to Musk, Peter Middot; Peter Thiel, a well -known Republicans of Billionaires and Technology Financialists, also reportedly rejected the request to donate to the Trump campaign team.It is said that he did not intend to provide any donations in this election cycle.

The partner of Sequoia, a well -known venture capital company Sequoia, Sean Middot; Shaun Maguire, within a few minutes after the announcement of the announcement last week, he announced that he donated $ 300,000 to Trump. He pointed out that the trial would notfair.

Macquer published a long article on X, outlined a series of reasons to support Trump, including the Bynden government's treatment of the United States withdrawn from Afghanistan, and weakness in the Middle East.

Macquer added that various legal lawsuits against Trump are also radical experiences.

President Trump is indeed possible to be crime and be sent to prison.He wrote.Frankly speaking, this is part of the reason why I support him.I believe that our judicial system is being weapons to deal with him.

So far, Biden's campaign has basically surpassed Trump in terms of fundraising.

As of the end of April, the inventory cash of the Biden campaign team reached a record $ 192 million, while the Trump campaign team was $ 93.1 million.

However, in the same month, the Trump campaign team raised $ 76 million, which surpassed his Democratic opponent for the first time in this election cycle.The Biden campaign team raised $ 51 million in April, a significant decline in a significant decrease compared with more than $ 90 million a month ago.

However, despite the in full swing of fundraising activities, Professor Justin Buchler, a campaign of Case Western Reserve University, said to BBC: Money is not a decisive factor.

The main role of money in campaign is to increase popularity.Everyone already knows who Trump and Biden are.

A data analysis conducted by BBC's partner Columbia Broadcasting Corporation (CBS) found that Trump's fundraising activities were often boosted at a critical moment when he was caught in various legal fighting.

Before being convicted last week, his best fundraising day was April 4 last year. On the day he was promoted in New York City, and on August 25th, he was announced by the suspect he took in Georgia.

The BBC has contacted the campaign team of Trump and Biden, and asked them to comment on fundraising.