The United States believes that the United States must defeat China in the competition, and China believes that the United States has the bottom line of maliciousness, so it will not be lucky and prepare for the overall war.Under such reality, former Singapore Foreign Minister Yang Rongwen called on all parties to look at the common dilemma to avoid being destroyed by mutual suspicion and misunderstanding.

Yang Rongwen's speech on Wednesday (June 5) at the third Wanshou International Security Seminar held in Beijing pointed out that the world is experiencing major transformation and a new future is born, but its form is not clear.

He said that the future will be multi -polarized, and the acceleration changes of information technology, artificial intelligence and biomedical science will cause new splitting to human society;Variety.

"At the same time, we have to face the instability of the country's internal politics and international relations; there will be social turmoil and regional conflicts. We are entering a period of moral chaos with all relevant risks."

Yang Rongwen pointed out that the state has the responsibility to ensure the safety of residents. In response to the known threats, people have formed defense and achieved a certain balance. The process often involves trials and pain of trials and pain;Fear will tend to excessively react due to caution.

He said that in the West, a Roman Senator said a Latin famous saying during the Punic Wars -Gaotai must be destroyed;The echo of this sentence appeared, that is, China must be defeated.


The Bugan War is the three wars between the two major powers of the Mediterranean and Gaotaiki. It is said that before the Third Boan War, the Roman politician Lao Jiatu will be "Garr.Taiji must be destroyed "to end.

The article of the foreign affairs magazine mentioned by Yang Rongwen was titled by NO Substitute for Victory. It was published in April this year.Former Chairman Mike Gallagher.The core view of the two is that the United States should not control competition with China, but should defeat China.

Yang Rongwen pointed out that the former Chinese ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai also read out a prepared manuscript in December 2021, and there was no bottom line for the United States for maliciousness to China.Yang Rongwen believes that China will not be lucky, and is preparing for all known wars in various fields.

Yang Rongwen said: "In this game, there is no last move, and each action will cause a reaction until one of them is defeated or exhausted. In addition, we must realize that new technology will make us easier to us.Destroy each other, even all humanity. "

He has therefore called on all parties to look at the common dilemma, and do not let mutual suspicion and misunderstandings lead to common destruction.

Yang Rongwen also hopes that all parties will meet and communicate, listen to each other, debate, cherish the common human nature, and reach an agreement on the process of building trust, compromise and self -restraint.He also believes that no one should seek absolute security and quote the words of former former US Secretary of State Kissinger, saying that the absolute safety of one party is equal to the absolute insecure of the other party.

The Wanshou International Security Symposium is hosted by the Chinese people's strive for peace and disarmament association. This year's theme is "The world of pan -safety: what do you think? What to do?"More than 60 international security issues from more than 20 countries and international organizations attended the meeting.