(Beijing Comprehensive News) China's tourism industry has a strong recovery. The contribution of domestic tourism to mainland China is expected to reach $ 938 billion (S $ 1.29 trillion), which will exceed the level before the crown disease.

According to the Bloomberg Society on Monday (June 3), a report issued by the World Tourism and Travel Council (WTTC) and the Oxford Economic Research Institute showed that China's domestic tourism expenditure is expected to be 11%higher than 2019.

WTTC Chairman Julia Simpson said that Chinese tourists are starting to re -travel, and the Chinese tourism industry has shown the toughness and strong momentum of recovery, and this trend will continue to grow.

Before the crown disease epidemic, Chinese tourists were the main force of global tourism expenditure, and the travel consumption of Chinese tourists was of great significance to the global tourism industry.In 2019, Chinese citizens went to overseas tourism for a total of 170 million people, and their overseas consumption was nearly US $ 248 billion, accounting for 14%of global tourism consumption.

However, the backlog of visa in the United States and other countries, coupled with the rise in international flight prices, has made Chinese tourists tend to choose a short -distance travel that is closer to home and rush to a more cost -effective small town.


China's legal holiday is the peak period of travel.On the "May 1st" Labor Day holiday last month, according to the data of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, China ’s domestic tourism travel reached 295 million, a year -on -year increase of 7.6%, an increase of nearly 30%over the same period in 2019.

Ctrip's report shows that during the May Day holiday, the fourth -tier and below cities' tourism booking orders increased by 140%year -on -year, an increase of significantly higher than first- and second -tier cities;Increasing 151%.Small and medium -sized cities with cheap and fireworks such as Zibo, Harbin, and Tianshui are still hot.

Where to go, the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival holiday travel will still focus on surrounding and short -distance travel.

But data show that tourists' consumption trends are unstable.According to Caixin.com, the per capita tourism consumption of Qingming Festival this year returned to the level before the epidemic.However, during May 1st, tourists spent 113.15 yuan (RMB, S $ 21.5) per day, lower than 150.86 yuan in the same period in 2019, and five main holidays since the Dragon Boat Festival in 2023.

Michelle Lam, an economist in the French Industrial Bank Greater China, previously told Bloomberg that this shows that people are just keen to travel instead of spending money, and their consumption emotions are still sluggish.

Entry -exit Tour market begins to rise

At the same time, foreign tourists have not returned to the level before the epidemic.WTTC predicts that foreign tourists spend about 715 billion yuan in China this year, 25%lower than 2019.China is a country with a late open border after the crown disease.

However, with the support of the policy, the growth of entry tour is speeding up.According to Ctrip data, the order of inbound travel during the May Day holiday increased by 105%year-on-year, and the visa-free policy effect was significant.Twelve countries and mutual visa -free Singapore and Thailand have increased by about 2.5 times year -on -year.

The popularity of outbound travel is also rising.On the Ctrip platform, the search popularity of overseas hotels during the Dragon Boat Festival has increased by 50%compared with the same period in 2019.

The visa -free destinations closer are more popular.The report of the Malaysia Honeycomb shows that this year's Dragon Boat Festival, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Jeju Island in South Korea are the main destinations for Chinese tourists.

China Tourism Research Institute predicts that the number of outbound tourists in China this year is 130 million, which is still less than 170 million in 2019.