(Manila Composite) set up a maritime police monitoring station on the small island closest to Taiwan in the Philippines to monitor the areas where Chinese vessels often appear around the surrounding areas.

This site of the Philippine Coast Guard is located on ITBAYAT, Batness.This island is about 250 kilometers outside Luzon Island, only about 160 kilometers from the southernmost tip of Taiwan.

The Philippine National Security Counselor Ano issued a statement on Friday (May 24) that setting up a monitoring station on Itbalt Island is a strategic measure to enhance the awareness of the sea leader and strengthen the Luzon Strait and the coast of the coast.Safety.

He said that the research or investigation ship of the Chinese flag in the Lvzon Strait frequently appeared. It is necessary for the Philippine to ensure that the peace and navigation freedom of relevant regions.This monitoring station will collect maritime data and intelligence so that the Coast Guard can respond to threats such as smuggling, pirates and foreign invasion.

The bus strait between the Badan Islands and Taiwan is an important international waterway connecting the Pacific and the South China Sea.It is generally believed that once Mainland China moves against Taiwan, this channel will be critical.

The Philippines and the United States just held a series of joint military exercises from April 22nd to May 10th this year. There were as many as 16,000 soldiers participating. Intbalt Island was one of the exercises.

Barrylo, a spokesman for the Philippine Coast Guard, told the Philippines that the daily monitoring station will also be used to assist official regular inspection of the situation of Itbalt Island."This place is very important. This is the northernmost point of the Philippines. Our border is full of loopholes and we must monitor what happened there."

The confrontation between the Philippines and China has continued to heat up in the South China Sea recently, and every move of both sides has attracted much attention.

The Philippine Minister of Defense Torodo criticized China recently introduced a new regulation , allowing the Chinese maritime police to seize foreigners suspected illegal cross -border in the place where the South China Sea disputed waters, are a provocation.

He said in his speech at the Philippine Navy's anniversary event that China's move not only violated the United Nations Convention on the Marine Law, but also violated the United Nations Charter.According to this charter, each country must not threaten or use force to invade the territorial integrity or political independence of any country.

Philippine Foreign Minister Manlo also said recently that China's new regulations have no legal basis, and it is not only the Philippines, but also other countries. Therefore, he calls on all countries to oppose this new regulations.

The China Maritime Police Department announced on the 15th of this month that new regulations will be implemented from June 15th, which allows the Chinese maritime police to be detained foreigners suspected of illegal cross -border in the controversial waters of the exclusive economic zone including the Philippines.At least 60 days.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the new regulations are in line with international traffic and aims to standardize the administrative law enforcement procedures of maritime police institutions in order to better maintain maritime order.