Former Malaysia Prime Minister Mahathir believes that all international issues should be resolved through negotiations, not confrontation.He criticized the United States for provocation on issues that mainland China and Taiwan, exacerbating the tensions on both sides of the strait.

Mahathir Friday (May 24) was invited to go to Tokyo, Japan to attend the 29th Asian Future Forum organized by Japan.When he responded to the situation in China and the United States at the meeting, he emphasized that Asiansan should continue to maintain neutrality and should not try to choose a side station."If we choose the side station, we will lose the US or Chinese market."

He believes that all problems should be resolved through negotiations."Unfortunately, the United States likes to see confrontation between mainland China and Taiwan, which is unnecessary for us."

Mahathir said that the American Speaker had given a speech in Taiwan before, provoking the anger of mainland China and making cross -strait relations more nervous.Taiwan is also advised to strengthen armed forces and face possible invasion in mainland China.He criticized these practices to exacerbate tensions, and waste time and money.

The host of the forum asked Mahathir's opinion on Chinese officials, Mahathir bluntly stated that Chinese officials seem to be "more ambitious and tougher" compared with the previous Chinese leaders, but the situation in China may be due to leaders.Human replacement changes.

When talking about the South China Sea issue, Mahathir said that although China and some Southeast Asian countries have different differences, China has not stopped Malaysia's navigation in the South China Sea. Therefore, Malaysia can accept the status quo.confrontation.

In addition, Mahathir believes that Ya'an should become a model of regional organizations.Because of the hostile situation between Southeast Asian countries, after the establishment of the Asian Simpan, all parties can solve the problem through negotiating, rather than the mobilization of war.

As for the situation of Malaysia, Mahathir said that he was optimistic about the future of Malaysia, but emphasized that it would depend on national leaders.He did not name the Prime Minister Anhua, saying that the current leader of Malaysia did not do well, and said that "the popular leaders may not be able to manage the country."