(Manila Composite Electric) A folk fleet consisting of about 200 people in the Philippines, on Wednesday, went to the Skobel Shakyan Sakalon Sakalon Settlement of the South China Sea on Wednesday to carry out a three -day transportation replenishment to provide food for Filipinos on the sea.And fuel.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that it would defend their rights in accordance with the law and warn that the consequences were borne by the Philippines.

The Filipino Group "This is our (ATIN ITO) league. The folk fleet consists of five commercial fishing vessels and about a hundred boats.Starting from the province of Shi, he drove to the waters near the Skobel Shiman Beach (known as Huangyan Island).The members waved the Philippine flag on the boat and shouted, "The Philippines is ours, and China goes out!"

The fleet was escorted by a Philippine Coast Guard ship, distributed food and fuel to the Philippine fishermen at sea, and launched a dozen orange buoy marked with "WPS ATIN ITO".But the fleet refused to disclose their specific location, only saying "far from the Skobel shoal beach."

The civilian group issued a statement saying that the goal of the fleet was to arrive near the shallow beach of Scarberg to issue a new round of supply to the Filipino fishermen there.The person in charge Tori emphasized that this trip is not only to transport supplies, but also to maintain the right of the Philippines in its own waters.This operation will end on Friday (17th).

19 Chinese ships block the Philippines Action

The fleet spokesman Xi Zong was questioned on the evening of the same day that he saw three ships with obvious Chinese maritime police vessels tracking the fleet.When the fleet was close to the shallow beach waters of Scarberry, China issued a warning through radio.

The Philippine Coast Guard deployed in the relevant water monitoring situation, while 19 Chinese ships were found, including a Chinese naval ship.The Philippines also monitored two floating barriers at the southeast entrance of Stakabler's shallow beach.

Talira, a spokesman for the Philippine Coast Guard, pointed out that the official has sent three coastal guards to travel to ensure the safety of this civilian fleet.

Previously, there were news that China would send 30 ships to block and block the Philippine folk fleet in the nearby waters.The Chinese Maritime Police currently conducts normalized training in this sea area, simulating people at the sea to fall into the water, and the maritime police ship starts the life -saving process to save people.

In response to the latest situation in the South China Sea, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin reiterated when answering questions from reporters at a routine press conference on Wednesday that Huangyan Island is an inherent territory in China.sovereignty.

He said that in 2016, China made goodwill arrangements for fishing in a small number of small fishing vessels in the Philippines in the waters near Huangyan Island, while managing and supervising the relevant activities of the Philippine fishermen in accordance with the law.However, if the Philippines abuses the goodwill of China and violates Chinese territorial sovereignty and jurisdiction, China will defend their rights in accordance with the law, and the relevant responsibilities and consequences will be completely borne by the Philippines.

According to CCTV reports, the Chinese Police urged the Philippines to immediately stop the infringement and stated that it resolutely safeguarded China's territorial sovereignty and marine rights.

China claims to have the sovereignty of most of the South China Sea, and dispatched hundreds of maritime police ships and other ships to patrol.China and the Philippine ships have frequently rubbed in the South China Sea recently. The Chinese maritime police ships have repeatedly used water cannons to drive the Philippines and cause damage.