The member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, Wang Yi, said that the frequent improving unilateral sanctions against China in the United States can not prove the strength of the United States, but instead reveals that the United States has lost self -confidence and chaos.

According to CCTV news reports, Wang Yi held the fifth China -Pakistan Foreign Minister's strategic dialogue on Wednesday (May 15th) with the reporter in Beijing with Pakistan Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Dal.What are the comments in China for the United States have recently implemented unilateral sanctions and high tariffs on China.

Wang Yi said that for a period of time, the United States has frequently imposed unilateral sanctions on China, abused 301 tariffs, and almost crazy about China's normal economic and trade science and technology activities.This is the most typical domineering bullying in the world today, and this also shows that some people in the United States have reached the degree of losing their minds in order to maintain their single -pole hegemony.

Wang Yi said that the United States does not choose to target China, which does not prove the strength of the United States, but instead reveals that the United States has lost self -confidence and chaos.The normal operation of the chain has caused further damage; it cannot prevent the revitalization of China's development, but it will inspire 1.4 billion Chinese people to work harder.

Wang Yi said that the WTO has clearly concluded that 301 tariffs in the United States violate the rules of WTO and are violating international law.International trading in the world also believes that this approach of the United States is both harmful and unfavorable."As one of the founders of the WTO, the United States not only does not want to be a good example, but takes the lead in violation of the rules.How can the advertised 'fair competition'?At the critical moment of the global economic recovery, the international community should sue the United States and not to create new trouble for the world.

When former US President Trump was in power, it imposed tariffs on about 300 billion US dollars ($ 404.7 billion) from China based on 301 articles.Based on Tuesday (May 14), the Bayeng government is also based on Article 301 of the Trade Law and imposed tariffs on imported goods worth $ 18 billion. These goods include electric vehicles, lithium batteries, semiconductor, and steel aluminum.