(Observer News) According to Bloomberg report on May 10, people familiar with the matter revealed that the Bayeng government prepared a tariff measure for the key strategic industry of China next week, which will be paid for electric vehicles, batteries and batteries and batteries.New, targeted tariffs are levied by industries such as solar equipment.

People familiar with the matter said that the decision was the result of evaluating and reviewing Trump's tariff policy during the administration of Trump.

Two of them said that the U.S. government is expected to issue an announcement next Tuesday (15th).In addition to levying new tariffs on some key industries, the announcement will also largely maintain existing tariffs on China.The specific details are unclear, and the White House refuses to comment.

Bloomberg believes that the release time for the release of the bulletin may be postponed, but this is still one of the biggest measures made by Bayeng in the "economic competition" in China.

In April this year, Tesla announced the layoffs of the 10,000 people.Figure self -visual China

During the name of "national security", Trump's ruling, unilateralism and protectionism. In 2018 and 2019, "Article 301" (commonly known as Article 301 of the 1974 Trade Law)China's imported goods are imposed on tariffs.

After the current US President Biden came to power, although he repeatedly claimed that "considering cutting tariffs on China", he did not take substantial actions and still insisted on most of the tariffs in the Trump period.Bloomberg previously mentioned in the report that the U.S. Trade Representative Office (USTR) began to evaluate tariffs on China in 2022, but did not mention the specific time to end the evaluation.

As the US election is approaching in November, and China Electric vehicles, photovoltaic and other products are selling well around the world. In order to capture political interests, the Bayeng government has begun to raise tariffs. Since the end of last year, it has frequently moved.

In February this year, Biden issued a statement that it would take "unprecedented actions" to prevent Chinese connected cars and trucks including electric vehicles from entering the US market.Some officials in the automotive industry later revealed that the Biden government is considering improving tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles.In April, the Biden government announced that it would obtain three times tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum.At the same time, US officials have continued to speculate on the topic of the so -called "overcapacity" in China.

China has solemnly pointed out that tariffs are "the manifestation of unilateralism and protectionism", and the US government "mistaken again."China urges the United States to face its own problems, stop improving tariffs on products on China, and immediately cancel tariffs on China and Canada.China will take all necessary measures to defend its rights and interests.

The fact is that the US government's tariffs on China have long been dissatisfied with the American corporate community.According to the Hong Kong South China Morning Post in February last year, more than 6,000 plaintiffs in the United States had asked the US government to compensate the billions of dollars in China they paid for the US government. The reason was that the policy did not follow appropriate procedures during the formulation process, which was infringement.

In March last year, the US International Trade Commission also acknowledged that after investigation, it was found that the Trump administration levied tariffs on Chinese goods worth over 300 billion US dollars, threatening to "pay China to pay the price", but for this reason, it paid the priceIn fact, it is importers and consumers in the United States, and the import prices of US companies have risen with US prices.Bloomberg said that this means that American companies almost bear the total cost of imposing tariffs on China and Canada in China.

On April 30th, the Hong Kong South China Morning Post was combed through official and other authoritative data data. In the past ten years, China has achieved 10 key areas of new energy vehicles and information technology in "Made in China 2025".The %goal is enough to "prove that US tariffs and sanctions are invalid."

It is reported that in the face of China's high -tech products, especially photovoltaic products, large -scale wind turbines, electric vehicles, etc., the United States and Europe are now brewing a new round of "trade war" and sanctions."How effective these sanctions can achieve, but it is doubtful. From the perspective of restrictions implemented in the West to date, the effects of these measures are limited, and sometimes they are even counterproductive."

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