(Washington Reuters) The US Biden government has a dilemma on whether to give the Vietnamese market economy status. On the one hand, I want to use this to win Vietnam. On the other hand, they face some domestic groups.The impact of the votes of these groups on the presidential election in November this year.

The US Department of Commerce on Wednesday (May 8) whether to give the Vietnamese market economy status to hold online hearing.If Vietnam has obtained a market economy position, it can reduce the punitive anti -dumping tax levied by the United States for imports of imports of Vietnam, which can help strengthen the export of Vietnamese goods to the US market.

US retail operators and some commercial groups support this, but American steel manufacturers, Gulf of Mexico, shrimp farmers and honey farmers oppose.

Lawyer Emerson, a lawyer on behalf of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam, said that Vietnam meets six standards for the US Department of Commerce to judge the status of the market economy, including currency exchange, labor rights, investment openness, and resource allocation.

For example, he said that the Vietnamese government has less support for state -owned enterprises than India, and the opening of foreign investment is higher than Indonesia, Canada and the Philippines."Vietnam has proven that its performance in these legal factors is as good as other countries that have obtained a market economy before, or even better."

Emerson emphasized that if Vietnam cannot obtain a market economy status, it will further push Vietnam to China.As of November last year, the total registered capital of Mainland China and Hong Kong in Vietnam reached US $ 8.2 billion (about S $ 11.1 billion), becoming Vietnam's largest source of foreign capital.

Thompson, director of the US public policy of Samsung Electronics, said at the hearing that because Vietnam had carried out market -oriented reforms, Samsung Electronics has developed into one of Vietnam's largest employers."Vietnam has become a partner of stable and secure supply chain in the United States ... (Give it to its market economy) is good for the United States."

The opposition believes that Hanoi's policy commitments do not match specific actions, and the planned economy is still implemented, and the Vietnamese industry still rely on Chinese funds and export products. Many Chinese products face US punishmentSexual anti -dumping tax.

Former Trump government traded official Jearsh, representing the US Steel Power Company, said that Vietnam has become a platform for China to avoid US tariffs and upgrade Vietnam into a market economy. "Gifts dedicated to China and China. "

Bynden is fighting for union votes for the presidential election, especially the votes of steel workers of Swing State Pennsylvania.He had previously opposed Japan's Nipponsteel to acquire US Steel Corporation.

Human Rights Observation Organization said that Vietnam did not meet the basic labor rights standards needed to become a market economy, and said that Vietnamese workers could organize unions to organize unions or to fight for salary through free negotiations.

When I visited Vietnam on September 10 last year last year, last year last year last year last year last year last year last year last year last year The two countries upgrade bilateral relations into comprehensive strategic partnerships.Vietnamese Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng held talks with US Finance Minister Yellen on September 20 on September 20 At the time, the United States called for the United States to recognize Vietnam's market economy position to reduce trade obstacles between the United States and Vietnam, such as anti -dumping investigations and punitive tariffs.Yellen also supports Vietnam to become the "Youkan Outsourcing" destination, and the US supply chain is withdrawn from China to Vietnam.

The US Department of Commerce will make a decision to give Vietnam's market economy status on July 26.