Wang Tinghui, chairman of Vietnam Parliament, submitted his resignation on Friday (April 26) and was approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.The four pillars of Vietnamese politics fell two pillars in just over a month. Vietnamese political observer pointed out that Hanoi was in severe political turmoil.

The statement issued by the Vietnamese Communist Party Central Committee issued by the Vietnamese Government's official website pointed out that Wang Tinghui violated the provisions of several ban on party members and the model responsibilities of party members and cadres.

The statement said: "Comrade Wang Tinghui's violations and shortcomings caused negative public opinion and affected the reputation of the party, the country and his personal."

Although it is unclear Wang Tinghui’s specific violations, the Vietnamese police confirmed on Monday (22) that his assistant and deputy director of the General Office of the Congress Fan Taihe wereAfter the arrest, there were rumors that Wang Tinghui's status was unstable.

Vietnamese anti -corruption has been increasing in recent years.According to Article 7 of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2021, the provisions of the Vietnamese Communist Party's Political Bureau on the removal and resignation of cadres, if the authorities, units, or direct subordinates managed by the leader have very serious corruption or bad behaviors, the position of leaders should be lifted.

BBC (BBC) Vietnamese channel analysis said that due to the crime of Fan Taihe's prosecution is "abuse of power and seeking private interest", it is a category of corruption and classified as "particularly serious". ThereforeThe assistant of the assistant is responsible.

The General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the Communist Party of China, President of the Communist Party of China, the "four pillars" of Vietnamese politics, has two pillars fell in just over a month.On March 20, the former President Wu Wenzheng resigned after taking office only one year, because the "illegal behavior and disadvantages" that did not specify.

Researcher Ruan Qingjiang, a researcher at the Institute of Easov, Singapore, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Wu Wenzhu and Wang Tinghui fell down to explain that Vietnam's politics was seriously turbulent.In a short period of time, there are not enough senior officials to replace them at all.

Ruan Qingjiang pointed out that the Politburo of the Communist Party of China lost five members in just over two years, leaving only 13 people.There are nearly two years before the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. There are still many seats in the Politburo to compete. The party's leadership struggle will be more intense and worthy of attention.

It is worth mentioning that the leaders who have been dismissed have not completely faded out of the public vision.On Friday morning, some of the leaders and officials in Vietnam, including Wang Tinghui, and former President Ruan Chunfu, who also resigned because of their subordinates, went to the tomb of Ho Chi Ming to honor the wreath to commemorate the 49th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War on April 30.After the photos were released by the Vietnamese Government News Network, it caused netizens to believe that Vietnam's criticism of "their own people" -Although they were accused of violating discipline, they only "lost their positions" and escaped criminal charges.

On April 26, officials Wang Tinghui (front row left), Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng (front row right), former state chairman Ruan Chunfu (back row right) and other officials went to Ho Chi Mingling in Hanoiwreath.(From the Vietnamese Government News Network)

Ruan Qingjiang said that this question is reasonable, because the punishment of anti -corruption campaigns has double standards for high -level and low -level officials.For example, more officials in the Central Committee of the Vietnam Communist Party and the provincial government are far more than that of the Politburo due to corruption, and even the provincial leadership will be replaced as a whole.

Ruan Qingjiang pointed out that the anti -corruption movement was originally intended to restore the public's confidence in the Communist Party of Vietnam, but as more and more senior officials were dismissed, the public questioned whether the entire system had been seriously affected by corruption and could not "heal".Although the anti -corruption movement has achieved a certain success, the more corruption is exposed, the lower the people's trust in the system.

Vietnamese Government News Network reported in February this year that 839 prosecutions on corruption were added nationwide last year, which was more than twice that of 260 in 2022.Vietnam's anti -corruption "furnace" was still burning.