U.S. Secretary of State Brosky said that the United States saw evidence that China tried to "influence and can be said to be intervention." The coming American election.

In an interview with the United States Cable Television News Network (CNN), the three -day visit to China on Friday (April 26), he reiterated that he had reiterated the US President Biden Biden on this trip.At the San Francisco Summit in November last year, Xi Jinping, the Chinese President Xi Jinping, sent the information that did not interfere in the 2024 US presidential election. "In general, we have seen evidence that trying to influence and intervention. We want to ensure that this situation is as soon as possible as soon as possible as soon as possibleCut off " Brinken also said," Any intervention in the US election in China is a matter of cautious attention, which is completely unacceptable for us, so I want to make sure they listen againTo this information " He added that China and other countries use the existing social division of the United States to carry out the movement that affects the American movement. This situation is worrying.

Brintken also said, "We (now) are focusing on the field of working hard, but they are also very frank to treat the differences between us. If the competition between the two parties is to be conflicted, this is very important to be a conflict."

Brincken is invited by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi to visit China from April 24th to 26th.This is the visit to China again after June last year.

He met with Wang Yi, Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong and Xi Jin in Beijing on Friday.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated in January this year that it will not interfere with the presidential election of the United States. No matter who is elected as the US president, China hopes that the United States can do it with China.

However, the New York Times quoted US researchers and government officials earlier this month that when the US presidential election is coming, there will be a secret Chinese account on the Internet, which is disguised as Americans who support former US President Trump.Inciting the conspiracy theory online, inciting domestic differences in the United States, and attacking Biden who seeks re -election.