China and the United States will hold the first meeting between artificial intelligence government dialogue in the next few weeks to manage their exchanges on the risks and security issues of advanced artificial intelligence.

According to the press release issued by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs website on Friday (April 26), the member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi After holding talks with U.S. Secretary of State Brills on the same day, it was announced that China and the United States will hold the first meeting of artificial intelligence government conversations.

According to Reuters, Brinkee held a press conference in Beijing before the end of the visit to China, and also confirmed that the two countries will hold their first artificial intelligence dialogue in the next few weeks.

He said, "We will risk and security issues of advanced artificial intelligence, and how to manage them the best and exchang our views."

News released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ChinaThe draft also mentioned that China and the United States formed a five -point consensus on the basis of comprehensive exchange opinions, including continuing to promote the principles of Sino -US relations guidance principles; held a new round of Sino -US Asia -Pacific affairs negotiations, Sino -US marine affairs consultation;Consultation.Sino -US anti -drug work group will hold senior officials.The United States welcomes Liu Zhenmin, a special envoy of climate change in China to visit the United States.

The two sides also agreed to continue to stabilize and develop Sino -US relations in accordance with the guidance of the two heads of state.The two sides have affirmed the positive progress of dialogue cooperation between Sino -US fields since the San Francisco meeting, and agreed to accelerate the implementation of the important consensus reached by the two heads of state in San Francisco.

In addition, the two sides also agreed to maintain high -level exchanges and contacts at all levels.Continue to play the role of negotiation mechanisms in the fields of diplomacy, economy, finance, business and other fields that have been restored and new.Continue to carry out exchanges between the two armies.Further promote the cooperation between Sino -US anti -drug, qi change, and artificial intelligence.The two parties will take measures to expand humanities exchanges between the two countries. Welcome to the opponent's country students to run the 14th Sino -US Tourism high -level dialogue in Xi'an, China in May.

Finally, the two parties have maintained negotiation on hot issues in the international region, and the two sides have strengthened communication.