U.S. Secretary of State Brills, who has already arrived in Beijing to prepare for a difficult talk in China, said that the United States and China have obligations to "handle bilateral relations in a responsible place" for the two peoples.

Brinken delivered the above speech on Thursday (April 25) at the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Chen Jining.

According to media reports such as AFP and Bloomberg, Brinken said to Chen Jining that the United States and China are very important to contact with the United States and China. The two sides can put on real differences and seek solutions.

US Secretary of State Broskented (left) on Thursday (April 25) Chen Jining, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee.(Reuters)

Chen Jining used English partially when he spoke. He welcomed Brinken and his party, talked about the importance of American companies in Shanghai, and hoped that Brincken had a new understanding of Shanghai through visit.The most important relationship in the world, the choice of cooperation between China and the United States or confrontation will affect the future of human beings.

Matthew Miller, a US State Department spokesman, introduced to the media on Thursday that Brinken told Chen Jining that American companies need a fair competitive environment in China, and China has "non -market economy behaviors."

In response to Brinken's criticism of unfair trade and non -market economic actions, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin responded on the same day that China has always carried out economic and trade cooperation in accordance with market principles to fully perform the rules of WTO.The Chinese side hopes that the United States will also effectively respect the principles of fair competition and abide by the rules of the WTO.

Brinken also delivered a speech at New York University on Thursday.He said that US -China relations have a significant impact on the entire world, and it is important to send more Americans to study in China.The number of students in China in China has dropped from 15,000 10 years ago to 800 people, and academic exchanges are a very important way to ensure that the United States and China "avoiding misunderstandings and misjudgment, even if we have profound differences."New York University is a research university co -founded by Shanghai East China Normal University and New York University.

Brinken arrived in Shanghai on Wednesday (April 24) to launch a three -day visit to China in the afternoon.After he got off the plane, accompanied by the US ambassador to China, Boynes and others, he visited the famous Shanghai attraction Yuyuan, and then went to the well -known Nanxiang steamed bun shop to taste Shanghai food such as Xiaolongbao.Basketball League.

In addition to meeting Chen Jining and the United States' leaders in the Shanghai business community on Thursday, he also took a walk in the Bund in the morning to say hello to Chinese and foreign tourists. He also visited Shanghai New York University to communicate with local teachers and students.

法新社指出,像这类比较“柔和”的外交(Softer Diplomacy , it used to be the main axis of Sino -US relations, but it has become rare after the new Cold War of the two countries in recent years.

Beijing's relevant scholars analyzed that Shanghai was just the "front dish" of Brinken's visit to China. Blint's highlight is On Friday (April 26), talk to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing , and it is likely to meet with Chinese officials.It is expected that Brintken and Wang Yi will inevitably have some warships, but the two sides will not make the atmosphere stiff.

Bloomberg reported that Brinkens' trip to China and the United States has intensified the bilateral tension between China and the United States. This year, the U.S. election with strong colors of eagle will test the efforts of Chinese officials and US President Biden last year."Extraordinary" and said that more tariffs are imposed on China.Before Brinton arrived in China, the US Senate passed an emergency assistance bill of US $ 95 billion (S $ 129.1 billion) to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.SG/News/World/Story20240425-3501167 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _blank> Act also involved the forced sale of Tiktok's business in the United States .Biden signed the bill on Wednesday to make it a law.

Bloomberg believes that Bollingin is unlikely to meet with Chinese officials.How many breakthroughs or results are achieved .

Chinese public opinion is also generally not optimistic about Blingken's visit to China.Shen Yi, a professor of international relations at Fudan University, said that the United States has now intensified the measures for China's economic and trade technology./News/China/Story20240417-3461419 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _blank> also thrown" China Extraordinary theory ".China should tell Americans more directly what to touch and what can not be touched.

Bollingken flew to Beijing on Thursday afternoon. When he arrived in Beijing, when the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yang Tao, went to the airport to pick up the airport.