(Bloomberg, Hanoi) Vietnamese political observer believes that the Minister of Public Security Su Lin may be the successor of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Ruan Fuzhong.

Ruan Fuzhong's health issues have triggered a battle for successors. Su Lin, 66, is regarded as one of the successor candidates.After the President Wu Wen appreciated his resignation in March this year, Su Lin was considered to take over as the President of the State.

Sae, a honorary professor of political science at the University of New South Wales in Australia, said: "I think no one will deny that he is close to the general secretary of health issues."

Sae said that when Vietnam chose leaders, they must "make an exception to make a judgment, and Su Lin has a great chance because they seize almost everyone."

Vietnam's former President Wu Wenzhan and former President Wang Tinghui recently resigned successively. They were originally considered a successor.

Ruan Fuzhong's anti -corruption movement named "furnace" in 2013.In recent years, the fire of anti -corruption has become more and more prosperous. Hundreds of senior officials including deputy prime ministers, ministers and mayor, and corporate executives were sued or forced to step down.

As the main executor of anti -corruption movement, Su Lin has become one of the pivotal characters in Vietnam.He is currently a member of the Corruption Central Guidance Committee in the party.

According to a government report, after a few days of resignation of Wuwen, Su Lin urged various institutions to "increase their strength" to investigate major corruption cases and further reduce the crime rate of "social security" by 5%.

Li Honghe, a senior researcher at the Vietnam Research Project of the Easov Issa East South Asian Research Institute in Singapore, said that Vietnam is actively anti -corruption. The Ministry of Public Security is now very important for politicians to fight for power and can control other political opponents.

However, although Su Lin is the object of awe of the Communist Party, sources in the party do not know whether he can get the support of Congress to promote the President of the State.

Li Honghe said, "Now people think he is a bit terrible ... but this is his job, he must do so to keep his position. If he is transferred to another position, his approach may be different."

However, Su Lin has also been in controversy.For example, a short video in 2021 showed that Su Lin went to a high -end restaurant in London to eat "golden foil steak", which caused criticism in Vietnam.

In 2017, Zheng Chunqing, former deputy general manager of Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group, fled to Germany when he was corrupted. He was later arrested and brought to justice by the Ministry of Public Security from the Ministry of Public Security.Germany accused Vietnamese officials abducting Zheng Chunqing in Berlin, triggering a diplomatic storm.Vietnam firmly denied that Zheng Chunqing was the first case.

Su Lin was born in Xing'an Province in northern Vietnam in 1957. He entered Renmin University of Vietnam in 1972 and started a 50 -year safety career.He joined the Vietnam Communist Party in 1982 and continued to be promoted. He became a member of the Politburo and was promoted to the general in 2019.