U.S. Secretary of State Brosky is about to visit China this week. The Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng criticized the United States for bullying in China and warned that if the competition dominates Sino -US relations, it is like a high -speed racing car on the dangerous cliff.I think the car skills are superb, but if you care about it, you will fall into the cliff.

Analysis of scholars interviewed, Xie Feng's latest criticism shows US Treasury SecretaryAfter the visit to China this month , Sino -US relations have not been reduced, and reflect that the disappointment and dissatisfaction of the Chinese political circle on the United States is increasing. It is believed that the Sino -US high -level exchanges that have been restored for nearly a year will not only bring to BeijingIn any substantial benefit, the Biden government will continue to be high -intensity against China.

The official website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States on Sunday (April 21) focused on a number of reports that Xie Feng went to Harvard University to communicate with the American academic community.

On the 19th, Elison, the President of the Founding of the Kennedy Government College, the proposal of the theory of the "Xiu Catabide Trap" theory, held a stove -by -side conversation, saying that the United States was not competing against China, but for bullying, including bullying, includingLaying Chinese enterprises in the sanctions list, coerced other countries to prohibit equipment and technology such as exporting light engraving machines, Criticize China's "New Three" (electric vehicles, lithium batteries and solar energy) is overcapacity .

Xie Feng also criticized the United States for self -deception. While competing the banner of competition, it was targeted, blocked, and curbed China, while claiming to control competition and avoid direct conflicts.He said that if the competition dominates Sino -US relations, it will only bring a strategic risk of double losses. "If the bottom line of China and the United States does not have conflicts as the goal, the two parties are not far from the conflict."

The scholars interviewed and judged that the Chinese political circle has begun to question the effectiveness of the recovery of high -level communication between China and the United States, which may prompt Beijing to reflect and adjust the way of dealing with the United States.

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Nanyang University of Science and Technology, Singapore Nanyang University of Technology, analyzed the Lianhe Zaobao that after the visit to China in June last year, China and the United States resumed high -level exchanges, but the relationship between the two countries only had more formal stability.Fundamental differences are still difficult to control.

Li Mingjiang pointed out that some people in the Chinese political circle may think that Beijing has cooperated and meets some of the requirements of the United States, but still has not received the Bayeng government to give corresponding positive responses politically.against.This may lead to China's adjustment with the United States, increase the pressure on the United States, and make the Bayeng government realize that Beijing will not actively cooperate with high -level interaction.

Li Mingjiang expects that Brinken's visit to China this week will face greater challenges.= _blank> The two sides may be on the issue of the Russia -Ukraine War, the South China Sea, and the Taiwan Strait.

The US House of Representatives passed the Foreign Aid Act on April 20, of which 8 billion US dollars (S $ 10.9 billion) were used for Military Aid Taiwan and maintaining peace and stability in the Indo -Pacific area .

Xie Feng gave a speech at the Harvard Kennedy China Forum on the same day, emphasizing that Taiwan's issue is the most important and sensitive issue in Sino -US relations.He believes that maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait will demolish the dangerous burning point.

He also warned that the sausages and red lines involved in core interests were to soar the high speed at the cliff, and it was difficult to avoid falling into the abyss.

Li Mingjiang pointed out that although a new round of US military aid in the United States will lead to high dissatisfaction in Beijing, the Beijing government still hopes that the Bayeng government will increase its pressure on the DPP government.When you are sworn in the day, don't put forward any expressions that make Beijing completely unacceptable.Chinese officials are expected to put forward relevant requirements in talks with Blint this week.