Chinese ambassador to the United States visited Harvard University and KennedyEllison, the founding dean of the government college, pointed out that there is indeed competition between China and the United States, and the Chinese are not afraid of competition, but they must be fair and fair.The United States is not currently competitive, but for bullying.

According to the official website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, the Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng visited Harvard University on Friday (April 19), and was invited to be held with Ellison, the founding dean of the Kennedy Government College of the school.Talking by the furnace.Xie Feng explained the Chinese policy position on China -US cooperation and competition and the "Belt and Road".

Xie Feng pointed out that there is indeed competition between China and the United States, and the Chinese are not afraid of competition, but they must be fair and fair.Competition should be the track and field match you chase me, not the boxing match you die.The United States is not competing now, but a bullying.Just as the United States includes Chinese companies on the sanctions list according to domestic law, the competition directly deprives Chinese qualifications.For another example, the United States forced other countries to ban equipment and technologies such as light carvings from China, just like wearing advanced running shoes, but only may others wear straw shoes or running barefoot.

Xie Feng shows that if the competition dominates Sino -US relations, it will only bring a strategic risk of double losses.While the banner of competition, it is targeted at the banner of competition.

Xie Feng emphasized that dialogue cooperation must respect each other and mutual benefit, and we must not only care about their own demands.The Chinese side hopes that the United States will come up with actual actions and implement the important consensus of the two heads of state to implement the concerns of China.From the traditional fields such as economy, trade, agriculture, to emerging areas such as climate change and artificial intelligence, there are extensive room for common interests and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and the United States.The two sides should promote cooperation with a mutually beneficial spirit to control differences with a cautious attitude, so that the "San Francisco Vision" in November last year turned to "real scenes" to promote stable, healthy, and sustainable development of Sino -US relations.

When talking about the "Belt and Road" plan advocated by China, Xie Feng pointed out that the "Belt and Road" is not geopolitical tools. It does not engage in group political confrontation, but an open and inclusive international cooperation platform.He said that "Guoqiang Big" is not China's DNA, and China is neither Athens nor Sparta.Moving the old ruling that has gone through the traditional Western country will only misjudge China on the head of China.China has always been a member of a large family of developing countries and is willing to share the development bonus with countries around the world.