According to the British Daily Mail reported on April 19, Trump was tried in New York for a sealing fee scandal on the 19th. A terrible scene appeared outside the court.Political protests.The man who had not been officially announced was poured behind with gasoline and ignited himself.

On -site video showed that when the man was swallowed by the flames, there were horror onlookers and media on the scene.The New York City police quickly arrived and extinguished the fire.The man was sent to the hospital for treatment, and the current situation is critical.

It is reported that someone saw him throwing a pank in the air before self -immolation.It is unclear whether his protest is for support or opposition to Trump.

It is reported that the booklet found at the scene of the incident contains a network link, pointing to a post written by a netizen named Maxrello on the "Subscribe to the Stack" website.He said: "I want to balion outside Trump's court." At present, the police have not confirmed the identity of the self -immolar.

Witnesses said: "I haven't seen such a thing in my life. I was passing through the park at that time, seeing a little flame, and then burning. People screamed and tried to use the fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire.""

It is reported that Laura Coat, host of the United States Cable TV News Network, live broadcast the chaotic scene on the spot.

Police reported at 2:20 pm that the man was "critical" and they were still trying to understand the full picture of the incident.(Compilation/Pan Xiaoyan)