After the former President of Vietnam, Wu Wenzheng resigned, the social media speculated that he might be involved in the bribery scandal of the highway development project approved by the Provincial Party Secretary in 2012.Sae Sae, an honorary professor of political science at the University of New South Wales, said: "If the Wuwen appreciation is violated in recent years, his resignation is related to the anti -corruption movement; but if it is because of the bribery case 12 years ago,Then he is likely to be the victim of the struggle of the party in the Communist Party.

On March 20, the President of Vietnam, who was just one year, resigned because of the "Provisions of the Model Responsibility of Cadres and Party Members", and followed the former chairman Ruan Chunfu's post -dust.The steps down of Wuwen's reward are allegedly related to the anti -corruption movement, but the case he was accused of involving occurred 12 years ago and is now "turning the old account". It is not ruled out that it was caused by the struggle of the internal faction of the Communist Party of China.

After Wuwen Awards took the initiative to resign, there were a lot of speculation on the Vietnamese social media that Wuwen Awards could be involved in the bribery scandal of highway development project approved by the Provincial Party Committee in 2012 as a broader provincial party committee secretary.A few days ago when he submitted his resignation, Gao Ke, the former deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, who worked with him, was arrested by the police for corruption.

Wu Wenzhu has been regarded as the successor of the General Secretary Ruan Fuzhong, and attended many important foreign affairs activities during his tenure.The picture shows Wuwen (first from right) at the national banquet during the visit to Vietnam during the visit to Vietnam on September 11, 2023.(Reuters)

However, Carlyle Thayer, Honorary Professor of Political Science and Vietnamese expert, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post, if the official rumors are true, "why is the official just 12 years ago right?Wuwen reward to the allegations "

Sae also pointed out that the Wuwen Awards resignation announcement issued by the Central Office of the Communist Party of China mentioned that the survey of Wuwen appreciation was launched "recently". His violations were only promulgated in October 2021.

"If Wuwen appreciation is violated party regulations in recent years, his resignation is related to the anti -corruption movement; but if it is because of the bribery case 12 years ago, he is likely to be the victim of the struggle of the party in the Vietnam Communist Party."

The General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Ruan Fuzhong, released the anti -corruption movement named "furnace" in 2013.In recent years, the fire of anti -corruption has been burning and strong. Since 2021, four political bureau members have been removed from office, and two state chairman resigned in the past two years.

In January last year, Ruan Chunfu, then Vietnam, then resigned as the illegal act of his officials during his time as the prime minister for him.Officials and merchants colluded with the case and were dismissed.

Is there a political conspiracy behind the anti -corruption?

The anti -corruption movement makes the Vietnamese officialdom more clean to a certain extent, but some critics suspect that this is actually a tool for political internal fighting.

Ruan Kejiang, a visiting researcher at the Vietnamese Research Project of Yusov Ususov in Singapore, told Lianhe Zaobao that the resignation of Wuwen's appreciation will undoubtedly marked the internal struggle of the Communist Party of Vietnam before the next party conference.

Wuwen Awards has always been regarded as Ruan Fuzhong's relatives and successors.Ruan Fuzhong's previous rules that the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam could not be re -elected for more than two term periods. After being elected for the third time in 2021, it is undoubtedly the leader of Vietnam's political power.

Vietnamese Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng (from the left from the left), the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Ruan Fuzhong, and then President Wu Wenzheng attended the Parliament on January 15 this year.Ruan Fuzhong broke the party constitution in 2021. After being elected for the third time he was elected, he was undoubtedly the leader of Vietnam's political power.(Agence France -Presse)

At the Twelve Congress of the Vietnam of 2016, the former Prime Minister Ruan Jinyong, who was closer to the United States, was closer to the United States.In the following two years, many officials who were close to him were sentenced to corruption.Li Honghe, a senior researcher at the Estaifer Isa Easa East South Asian Research Institute in Singapore, told the Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) that although evidence shows that these officials are indeed related to corruption, Ruan Fuzhong's main motivation is to reduce corruption, while also taking the opportunity to Qing government and consolidate himThe power of the ally.

The Nikkei Asia also quoted sources earlier that Fan Pingming had the ambition of becoming the Prime Minister or General Secretary, but Ruan Fuzhong could not accept his "favors of the West and the support of Western groups."

These claims have deepened people who believe that there may be political conspiracy behind the anti -corruption movement.Therefore, after Wuwen, who was optimistic about Ruan Fuzhong's successor, fell down, some public opinion speculated whether Ruan Fuzhong's power was weakened in political struggles.

Ruan Kejiang has a negative view on this.He said: "Ruan Fuzhong's biggest political heritage is his anti -corruption movement, so if he finds that his student has improper behavior, he will also punish him."

Sae pointed out that although Ruan Fuzhong has great power, he still has to bargain with the Politburo, not to designate the successor.For example, in the 13th National Congress of the Vietnam of 2021, Ruan Fuzhong hoped to promote Chen Guowang, the executive secretary of the Central Secretariat, as a successor, but he stopped because some provincial representatives voted.

Anti -corruption exercise has little effect?

Wuwen appreciated the anti -corruption deputy of Ruan Fuzhong, and was considered to be the leader of the Communist Party of China to continue to crack down on corruption and has moral authority.Now that he has also stepped down due to corruption, reflects the deep -rooted corruption of Vietnam, as well as the limitations of anti -corruption movement.

Vietnam currently lacks independent anti -corruption agencies and channels for public supervision.The official relying on the official punishment of officials in the current system to deal with corruption cases, such as the establishment of the anti -corruption guidance committee of the party leaders to release documents related to preventing corruption without establishing a transparent and perfect legal framework, increasing the accountability system and expandingReport the freedom of corruption news.

Vietnam's anti-corruption movement has lasted for more than ten years, and several senior officials have fallen off.On January 3 this year, the Vietnam Avant -garde Minister Ruan Qinglong (middle) was tried in Hanoi for the bribery case of the testing of the crown disease test and was sentenced to 18 years in prison.(Agence France -Presse)

Alexander Vuving, a professor at the Asia Pacific Security Research Center in Daniel, accepted a joint morning newspaper that the starting point of Vietnam's anti -corruption movement was to protect the Communist regime, so it would not break through at the legal and political system.

He said that corruption is essentially the "fuel" that helps the Vietnam Communist regime, so it is difficult to eradicate corruption in Vietnam."Ruan Fuzhong divides corruption into two categories. One is economic corruption, and the other is the 'political corruption' that represents liberal thoughts and Western values ​​and threatens the survival of the regime.

Ruan Kejiang believes that the anti -corruption movement can restore people's rightThe government's confidence is yet to be questioned.As more and more officials are arrested or dismissed, the public has begun to doubt the role of anti -corruption movement, and may make people doubt the sustainability of the system itself.

The impact of anti -corruption sports on economy and foreign investment

The frequent changes in the leadership of the leadership are the shadows of Vietnam's politics, which also affects the confidence of the national economy and foreign investors.However, the anti -corruption movement has reduced the administrative festival, and the enterprise often does not need to pay the cost of bribe officials, which has improved the convenience of business business and has some positive impact on the Vietnamese economy.

A survey by the Vietnamese Industry and Commerce Association showed that from 2006 to 2021, the ratio of enterprises' payment of unofficial fees (that is, bribery) fell sharply from 70%to 41.4%.

The picture shows the port of Guiren City, Vietnam, which is one of Vietnam's important coastal economic cities.Driven by strong exports, the Vietnam economy increased by 5.66%in the first quarter of 2024.(Agence France -Presse)

However, the anti -corruption campaign also allowed some officials to be worried about the investigation when they approved the investment, which caused the slowdown in the administrative process and the unable to land in public investment projects.For example, in 2022, the public investment rate accounted for only 68%of the plan.Many real estate companies in Vietnam have also encountered problems with difficulty turning in funds because the government has strictly hit business activities with fraud.

In addition, the two national chairmen stepped down in less than two years, so that the outside world worried about Vietnam's political stability that Vietnam has always been praised.The "China +1" strategy proposed by the United States has made Political Stable Vietnam attracted the investment in the industrial chain out of the investment of China's multinational enterprises.Last year, Vietnam's foreign direct investment surged by 32%, but this advantage has now become an uncertain factor.

Wu Wen, a professor at the Asia -Pacific Security Research Center of Daniel, USA, pointed out that the struggle of the members of the Communist Party has become more and more intense, and the resignation of Wuwen appreciation means that the situation becomes more tense.Wait and see mode.