Two US members call on the Bayeng government to include seven Chinese biotechnology companies on the list of US Department of Defense.This list lists companies that are said to cooperate with the Chinese military.

According to Reuters on Monday (April 1), these companies include Innomics, time and space groups, original capacity cells, and Nodazan.

The report quoted the letter on March 29 that the Republican Republican member Michael Gallagher and the Democratic Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi requested the Secretary of Defense Austin to request the National Defense Minister Austin.Take action because China may use biotechnology capabilities to strengthen its own military forces.

Garrat is the chairman of the US -China Strategic Competition Special Committee of the House of Representatives, and Crisa Momiti is a member of the Special Committee.

The company listed in the above list will not be banned immediately, but the company's reputation may be affected.For American companies that consider business with these companies, this move can be regarded as a warning.The US Treasury Department may also face the pressure of companies in the sanctions list.

The United States Congress is considering legislative prohibition of federal agencies from signing contracts with China ’s Hua University gene and Yaoming Kangde to prevent China from obtaining US gene data and personal health information.

Reuters also reported earlier that American intelligence officials told the senators who participated in the formulation of relevant bills in February that Yaoming Kant transferred American intellectual property to China without consent.