In the context of the intensified competition between China and the United States and the general decline in trust in the great powers, the people of Southeast Asian are more and more attached more and more attention and recognizing the regional leadership of Asia.

Southeast Asian Situation Report: 2024 pointed out that Asia's Danian continued to be regarded as the most leading regional organization in advocating global free trade.On this issue, 29.7 % of the respondents were the most confident in Asia's Gyanan, 6.2 percentage points higher than last year.

In terms of advocating global free trade, Southeast Asian interviewees expressed their confidence in the United States (22.1 %), China (18.5 %), the European Union (13.9 %) and Japan (9 %).

Asia Jia'an Maintenance has also affirmed the rules -based order and international law's ability. On this issue, the confident interviewed respondents with confidence in Asia have increased from 21 % last year to 26.9 %.Asia's ranking, the ranking of the European Union, rose to the second place, was only one percentage point as the first US (27.9 %).

Professor Ke Chengxing, Dean of the School of Public Policy, who participated in the online conference, reminded that free trade and order -based order are elements that can make small and medium -sized countries success. ThereforeIt is two different ways to achieve these concepts if Axian can realize its own strength.

"To achieve this, Yaxian must use the great powers to implement measures to win the influence experience."

The trust of the Ayanan country to regional powers has generally declined, and the degree of dislocation has increased accordingly.Asia's trust in the United States (42.4 %) and the European Union (41.5 %) fell below 50 % this year, and its trust in China (24.8 %) and India (24.2 %) also dropped to less than 25 %.

The report states that the main reason for the interviewees to be unbelievable in the United States is that the United States is busy dealing with domestic affairs and unable to pay attention to global issues.The strong attitude of the South China Sea and the slowdown in economic slowdown are the main reasons for the reluctance to China.

The increase in trust in Japan in Southeast Asia

Japan is the only exception, and Southeast Asian people's trust in it increased from 54.5 % last year to 58.9 %.

Nikkei, president of Asian Asia, who participated in the conference, said that the relationship between Japan and Asians and Asia is in essence.Especially in the field of security, Japan and Southeast Asian countries deepen cooperation, including improving defense cooperation with the Philippines and Vietnam, exporting military reserve for individual Southeast Asian countries, and starting more joint military exercises.

He pointed out that this is a major step. In the past, Japan had not vigorously promoted security cooperation because of worrying about the negative image before the war.

The investigation also asked which Ayan member country has contributed the longest development and progress to Asia's Danian in the long run. Singapore (66 %) and Indonesia (41.5 %) have won the most respondents.