Plabovo visited China as soon as possible after being elected, showing that Indonesia will adopt more positive and decisive foreign policies in the changeable geopolitical situation.Observer interviewed believed that in addition to showing Plaboopo's emphasis on the relationship between China and India, the visit also issued a signal that he was independent of the current president Zoko.

Compared to Zoko's style of focusing on internal affairs, Plaboor, who is elected as the next president of Indonesia, is better at dealing with other countries on the international stage.Happy to show leadership with the help of international stage.

Indonesian think tank Para Syndicate researcher Virdika Rizky Utama accepted a joint Zaobao interview: "In the strategic sense, it releases signals that may be adjusted in Indonesia's foreign policy.In the situation where the geopolitical environment is promoted, the visit of Plabowo seems to show that Indonesia is ready to deal with the relationship between China in a decisive or different way.

Plaboor is on Sunday (March 31), that is, he departed to Beijing after 11 days of election. After visiting China for three days, he went to Japan on Tuesday (April 2) to conduct two sequels for two sequels to conduct two for two for two.Sky visit.Lina Alexandra, director of the International Relations Department of the Indonesian Strategy and International Research Center, pointed out that the difference between Plabowo and Zoko is that he is more comfortable to attend international conferences and discuss foreign topics.

"He is very confident in this regard, this is his strength. Zoko's strengths are more in dealing with domestic affairs and infrastructure construction."

Alexandra further analyzed that Plabovo emphasized that he should pursue the good -neighborly and friendly policy during the election. "There are too few thousand friends and there are too many enemies."

"At this stage, it is impossible to conclude that there is no way to balance the relationship with all countries in the future, allowing Indonesia to find the way forward, and draw benefits from the contact with the parties. This needs to be observed for some time.But at least he currently shows the willingness to be friends with everyone. This is a good thing.

Some projects in Indonesia require China support

China is the largest trading partner in Indonesia.Ding Chong, a resident researcher in Indonesia in Indonesia at Huazhong Normal University, said that in addition to sending a signal to the development of Plabovo in China, this visit to China also helps him to "better understand China and form his own perception.Lay the foundation for the formulation of more scientific and pragmatic in the next step. "

"The slogan of the Plaboor campaign is 'persistentness', which must continue some of the current government's main policies and projects, including the construction of the new capital, the development of the North Caman Dan Industrial Park, and the extension of the Yawan high -speed rail.Can't do without China's support. "

Senior Researcher Liu Minli, a senior researcher at the Easov Isaf Issa East South Asian Research Institute in Singapore, added that China also shows the continuity of the relationship with Indonesia.On the occasion of transition, the relationship between bilateral investment and trade does not interrupt.

Ferdica also said that if Plabovo will alienate with Zako in the future and change the policy direction, this may bring uncertain factors to China's investment in Indonesia.At this stage, China invited Plabowo to visit China. It also sought to establish a contact with him to ensure that bilateral relations can maintain stability and fruitful results regardless of what the domestic political situation in Indonesia.