Indonesia and Japan will promote the development of bilateral relations on existing comprehensive strategic partnerships. Visiting President Plaboor, President Plaboor, who visit Japan, also agreed with Japanese Prime Minister Kishida, and in national security, economic and disaster prevention, etc.Enhance cooperation in the field.

Plaboopo met with Kishida Wenxiong in Tokyo on Wednesday (April 3).According to local media reports, Kishida Congratulations congratulated Plaboor for the next Indonesian president.Kishida described Plaboovo's visit to Japan, showing the importance to Japan, which made him "very encouraged."

Kishida Wenxiong said that Japan and Indonesia are a comprehensive strategic partner of "common basic values ​​and principles". He hopes that the two countries can cooperate closely in bilateral, regional and international affairs.

The two started talks at 9:15 am local time (Singapore time at 8:15 am), and the talks lasted 35 minutes.According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Kishida Moiso mentioned that Japan will contribute to the development of Indonesia through cooperation in infrastructure and energy.

He also said that Japan attaches great importance to cooperation with Indonesia to maintain and strengthen international order based on the rule of law, and based on the rule of law, and the Japanese side will also promote security cooperation with Indonesia.

Plabovo said that he intends to strengthen the cooperative relationship established by the Japanese seal, and he also hopes that the two parties will strengthen cooperation in the field of defense and economic.

The current Plaboor, who is also the Minister of Defense in Indonesia, also met with Japanese Defense Minister Muhara.According to a statement issued by the Japanese side, Muyuan said to Plaboor that the two countries are also marine countries. Japan hopes to "maintain and strengthen the 'free and open Indo -Pacific region' based on the rule of law."

Singapore's Visa East South Asian Researcher Maria Monica Wihardja said to Lianhe Zaobao to analyze Plabowavo's visit to Japan that Plabovo's primary matters were to consolidate and Japan's defense.Cooperate with military.But in addition, at the economic level, he also hopes to win cooperation in Japan's energy transformation, transportation infrastructure, chip industry, new capital construction and digital economy in Indonesia.

Professor Wang Yiguang of the University of Public Policy, the University of Tokyo, Japan, said that for Japan, Japan hopes to fight for Indonesia's support for the vision of the "Indian -Pacific Region", maintain a order -based order, and oppose any unilateral change of South SouthThe current situation of China's sea.

"Japan also hopes to use the arms exports to Indonesia to drive Japan's defense industry again."

Plaboopo's intention to China and Japan is showing a balance

Plaboopo, who was officially announced in the Indonesian presidential election half a month ago in February this year, visited China and Japan in the past four days.External interpretation is that Plaboor is showing a balance in diplomacy in China and Japan.

The text of the Japanese ambassador to Indonesia in Indonesia pointed out that Plabowavo visited the president before, showing that he would be more active in foreign policy than the current president Zoko.

"Like his predecessor, Plabovo will continue to achieve the best results through balanced and autonomous foreign policies."

Wang Yiguang added that Plaboor also showed a good relationship with China and Japan at the same time, and in a strategic sense, he released his signal that he pursued the policy of not alliance.

Monica believes that Plabovo's East Asian trip can be regarded as a hedge of the strength of Western countries, and it seems that he has established a stronger relationship with Japan, South Korea, China, and India.Whether his future foreign visits are mostly concentrated in this area, it remains to be seen.