(Manila Composite) Discussion with the Philippines, which has argued with China with the sovereignty of the South China Sea and China, who argued with China.

The Philippine National Security Council issued a statement on Tuesday (April 2) that in the call, the Philippine National Security Consultant Arnold, on Monday (1st), "continued to guarantee and reiterate the United States 'firm commitment to the two countries' uniongrateful".

The Chinese and Philippine ships have repeatedly conflicted in the South China Sea. Philippine President Markis said last week that the Philippines will take countermeasures against the Chinese Coast Guard's aggression.

The Philippines was accused of dragging away the warships who had dragged away the Ayunjin Reef (known as Renai Reef), but the Philippine side firmly denied it.In a public letter on Tuesday, the Philippine Defense Defense Dorodo called the Philippines "not to fall into the trap of China to propagate."

A spokesman for President Duterte, Locke, also clarified on Tuesday, saying that Duterte never dragged away the beach warship with China to reach any "gentleman agreement", but only agreed to "maintain the status quo" on Renai ReefEssence

Locke said that Duterte and China "did not reach any specific agreement" on the issue of Ayunjin Reef, and the so -called gentleman agreement between the two parties "is about how to deal with the dispute between the entire Western Philippines (South China), Not particularly targeted at Ayunjin Reef. "

In 1999, the Philippines landed on the Ayunjin Reef, and sent troops to strengthen the sovereignty of the Nansha Islands.China claims to have the sovereignty of most islands and reefs in the South China Sea, and has been accused of repeatedly obstructing the Philippine Coast Guard to transport supplies to the troops stationed in the Madre Mountains.