(Beijing / Manila Composite Television) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China says that no matter what the Philippines introduced, it will not affect China's territorial sovereignty and marine rights.

The Philippine President President Magos signed an administrative order last week to order to strengthen the awareness of maritime safety and marine fields in order to deal with the issues that threaten national security, sovereignty, sovereignty rights and marine jurisdiction.

In this regard, Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a regular press conference on Monday (April 1) that he hoped that the Philippine Party would abide by his promises and comply with the relevant understanding and consensus reached between China and the Philippines., Provocate actions, stop the out -of -domain forces to get involved in the South China Sea Affairs, return to the correct track of properly controlling the situation through negotiations and negotiations, and be responsible for maintaining the stability of the South China Sea and Pingping.

When signing a decree, Sumikos said that in order to comprehensively solve problems such as affecting national security, sovereignty, sovereign rights, and jurisdiction of marine jurisdiction, it is imperative to strengthen the country's marine security and field awareness.

Although China is not mentioned in the decree, China and the Philippines have recently conflicts and accusations in places where there are sovereignty disputes in the South China Sea.

Little Marcus posted on Facebook last Thursday (March 28) that the Philippines will implement the "illegal, compulsory, aggressive and dangerous attacks" of the Chinese Coast Guard and the Maritime militia in the South China Sea.Countermeasures.

The counter -resistance measures include jointly to strengthen defense with the allies

A spokesman for the Philippine National Security Council, Maraa, said in an interview on Monday on a state -owned television station that countermeasures will include to strengthen the Philippines' defense capabilities with the allies and to use all diplomatic methods to resolve disputes.

Maraa said: "President (President) said moderate, thoughtful, and reasonable response not only involved strengthening military and defensive capabilities with other allies ... but also involving full -time diplomatic efforts to solve the problem."

As the Philippines repeatedly occurred in the South China Sea dispute, the defense officials of the two sides faced the need for a week.Beijing claims that the Philippines should be responsible for the breakdown of relations between the two countries, and accuses them of provoking, providing errors, and rejection of the Chinese side.

Manila refute that China contempts and intimidates small countries, emphasizing that the Philippines has no intention of making trouble in the South China Sea, but it will not be silent, yielding or obedient in China, which is "high".