(Complex News in Kuala Lumpur) Israeli media reported that the Israelites arrested in Kuala Lumpur were gangsters in Kuala Lumpur, and the purpose of going to Malaysia was to kill the boss of hostile gangs.In this regard, the Malaysian police stated that they would conduct a comprehensive investigation.

Israeli Internet media Mako reported on Saturday (March 30) that the 36 -year -old Israeli arrested by the Malaysian police recently was Shalom Avitan.In the trap, the other party had reported to the Malaysian police and was arrested.

Saram Avitan claims to be a gangster, and in Malaysia to kill the head of hostile gangs.He emphasized that he had nothing to do with the Israeli security forces, but he believed that the Malaysian police might be linked to the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad because he was an Israeli.

According to the Israeli Times, the suspect has something to do with the local Musli Brothers criminal group. He went to Malaysia to find revenge to the leader of another group of Eraha.

It is reported that these two gangs have attacked each other many times in the past few months, and the people of Ailan Haya also thrown several grenades in mid -March to attack Saloma Avitan's home in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Malaysian Police Chief Radarin, Sunday (31st), responded to the media inquiries that the police will conduct a careful investigation on reports of Israeli media, including whether the suspect is planning to hire a killer and find revenge in the Malaysian cadre case; the police will also beThere are other people involved in the investigation, and a press conference announced on Monday.

The Malaysian Police arrested an Israeli in a hotel in the city of Kuala Lumpur last Wednesday (27th) and won six firearms and 200 bullets from the hotel where he lived.The police did not rule out that this person was an Agent Israeli, so he entered a high degree of warning.

Two days after the police (29th) arrested a couple in Selangor, suspected that they provided firearms to the Israeli suspect.Police also arrested a Ma country suspected of acting as a suspect driver in Pahang State.

On the other hand, Malaysian Minister of Defense Mohamad Cali revealed to the media on Saturday that since Malaysia has supported the Harbin conflict to support Palestine, Malaysia's defense system has been attacked 3,000 times a day.

He said that these hackers tried to enter the national defense system to monitor, listen and monitor the military operations of Malaysia, including the operation of the Gaza conflict.

In response to the arrested case of Israeli men, if Mohammed Kataya refers to the need, the Ministry of National Defense has prepared to provide assistance to the police.