Due to the sudden incident, when the Western media had not fully reacted, the Chinese technology company's Tiktok short video application has quickly fell into the most severe crisis of its development in the United States.

On Wednesday (March 13th), local time of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress, with an overwhelming majority of 352 to 65, it passed Americans are exempt from foreign opponents to control applications against applications .This bill is directly named to prevent the threat to the United States of Guoan by any software developed or provided by byte beating companies.If you pass the formation, the byte beating must be sold for tiktok within six months, otherwise it will be banned.

According to US media reports, in order to succeed, cross -party members and White House officials secretly planned for up to one year.At the end of February, the Tiktok US executive just went to the bytes of the International Headquarters in Singapore and reported to the superiors that Tiktok was not banned for the time being.A few days later, they were surprised to find that they were completely missed.

U.S. President Biden has stated that if the bill has also been passed by the Senate, he will sign the envoy.Successful method.Biden's Guoan adviser Sha Liewen said whiterly. He said that the focus of Tiktok's ownership. The United States does not want it to be a platform for China.This statement has been criticized by some people that the United States is clearing that it is grabbing, just like forcing TSMC to set up factories in the United States.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also approved directly, and the House of Representatives of the United States was completely "the logic of robbers."

For China, this is just another big stick that the United States has recently risen.

Earlier this week, the US Minister of Commerce Raymond led a two -day visit to the Philippines and promised to invest $ 1 billion (S $ 1.331 million) in the Philippines.Double, because the United States believes that the current semiconductor supply chain is too concentrated in a few countries.

Obviously, the Philippines not only plays the role of curbing China on the South China Sea issue, but also helps the United States decentralize semiconductor supply chain.Raymond Doro also reiterated that the United States will take "all necessary measures" to curb China's advanced chips.

In other words, although there are wedges around China -the Philippines, the East China Sea, Japan, and Taiwan Strait and Taiwan independence, the United States still feels not enough. In addition to preventing TIKTOK and the development of Chinese science and technology, it also begins to prevent China electric electricity.car.Raymond Duo warned at the end of February that Chinese -made Internet cars were like "smartphones equipped with wheels". They collected huge sensitive information about drivers and could be remotely controlled.

She said: "Imagine thousands of Chinese cars on the United States, which can stop instantly under the control of a person in Beijing ... Among them, the risk of Internet security and spy risk can be thoughtfully." Biden also sent it to send it out.Disclaimer will take unprecedented measures to ensure that Chinese cars will not threaten US Guoan.In late February, Biden also ordered the investigation of the threat of the U.S. terminal too dependence on China's heavy aircraft.

In all fairness, some of the above statements have reached the level of suspiciousness.The United States sings anti -China Magic Music. Now there are only competition between the two countries, and there are almost no cooperation.The performance of American politicians is to play the Chinese card in the election year to show that it is not to show weakness to China; the second is to reflect the panic of the United States and fall into the fear of being surpassed by China one day.

Why did the United States panic, what did the United States panic?It may be because there are still competitors in this world, or it may be shocked by China ’s production of 7 nanometer chips last year.Paradoxically, if the camera is pulled to China, and recalling the just -concluded China Two Sessions (the National People's Congress and the CPPCC Annual Meeting), the fear of the United States is difficult to understand. It seems that it should be China.

The eight -day two -day session ended this Monday.What is the strongest voice conveyed by the two sessions?In addition to no longer holding a Prime Minister's press conference to shock all parties, the most concerned is China's economic policy.In this regard, the State Council of China has set a target of about 5%of ambitious growth, emphasizing the need to accelerate the development of new productivity, and it is intended to issue ultra -long -term special government bonds for several consecutive years.For example, scientific and technological innovation, urban and rural development, regional development, food energy security, and high -quality development of the population.

Some scholars have pointed out that the current economic policies proposed must be vigorously stimulated for a long time. The ideas of these policies are still supply -side reform.Pay attention to.In the current situation of developed countries to be decoupled from China and "de -risk", where is the export of large production capacity and supply in China, this question still needs to be answered.

On the other hand, China ’s national defense budget increased by 7.2% in 2024.The back is flat, but it still exceeds economic growth.This also vaguely illustrates that China is not convinced. It not only breaks through the "card neck" by the United States in technology, but also competes for military.

China's current situation is difficult, which has both the reasons for its own decision -making and the factors targeted in the United States.The United States targets China in a way of violation of fairness and rules, including the launch of the Cold War and public opinion war, etc., although it is also damaged, it has successfully exacerbated China to enter the policy and ideology.It is not necessarily the best choice.

In terms of current results, the gap between China and the United States at the end of 2023 has not continued to shrink, but instead widen.The vicious competition in the United States and China will last for many years. The United States believes that it is affordable. Can China afford it?The answer is unknown.The only thing that can be determined is that whoever finds a way to get out of irrational fighting, whoever wins will be greater.