The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative released in 2023 China ’s completion of the WTO's commitment to the World Trade Organization's commitment stating that the Chinese economic and trade system and policies have brought great challenges to global trade.In response, the Ministry of Commerce of China responded that the United States denied China's important contribution to the multilateral trading system and the development of the world economy, and accused China's economic and trade policies with no basis for arbitrary standards.act.

The person in charge of the World Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce of China said on Monday (February 26) in response to the report on the official website in response to the report as a reporter's question. The Chinese side noticed the false accusations of the report.

The person in charge said that the United States ignored China's great achievements in fulfilling the commitment of the WTO's commitment and distorting the remarkable achievements of the Chinese socialist market economy construction and reform and opening up.The important contribution, accusing China's economic and trade policies accusing China's economic and trade policies with an arbitrary standards, and claiming that China's legitimate trade measures are "economic coercion", reversing black and white, and the "active decoupling" hat on the response measures adopted by the United States due to the US blockade.It is said that China has caused "overcapacity", which fully reflects the US unilateralism and bullying acts.China has resolutely opposed it.

The person in charge pointed out that since joining the WTO, China as the largest development member has always firmly supported the multilateral trading system, practiced true multilateralism, effectively fulfilled the WTO commitment, expanded the high -level institutional openness and opening up, Comprehensively participate in the reform of the WTO, and actively help other developers, especially the most underdeveloped countries, integrate into the multilateral trading system.

The person in charge said that in the past year, China became the first developing country to complete the appointment of the fishery subsidy agreement, leading the completion of the investment facilitation agreement text negotiations, and promoting the substantial end of the WTO to the end of the global digital trade rules.The positive and constructive role played by negotiations was highly appreciated by all parties, and contributions to the WTO and global economic and trade development are obvious to all.

The person in charge criticized that in recent years, the United States has taken "the United States first" as the starting point, violated the rules of the WTO, implemented unilateral trade bullying, formulated discriminatory industrial policies, disrupted the global industrial chain supply chain, and seriously affected the international internationalThe order of trade has harmed the common interests of members of the WTO, and China and other members have expressed their attention many times.

The person in charge continued to point out that in the case of the WTO dispute resolution agency that has ruled the US -related measures to violate the WTO rules, "the United States not only refuses to implement the WTO ruling, but also causes the World Trade Organization's appealing agencies to fall into the 'paralysis'.Severe damage to the multilateral trading system. The United States does not reflect on correcting its own behavior, but instead to discredit and "shake the pot" to cover up its own violations and destruction, this is extremely irresponsible. "

The person in charge said, "We once again call on the United States to correct the misunderstandings and deeds in time, comply with the rules of the WTO and its own commitments, and work with other members, including China, and jointly maintain the WTO as the core, rules with rules, and rules.Based on a multilateral trading system, it will effectively play a role in dealing with global issues and challenges. "

The Office of the US Trade Representative's Office last Friday (23rd) issued a report that China Performing in the World Trade Organization in 2023, stating that China is still the biggest challenge facing the international trade system.According to the report, China has been joining the WTO for 22 years, but in terms of economic and trade, China still pursues the country's dominant non -market methods, which runs counter to the World Trade Organization's standards and principles.