"Internet celebrity" who claims to be from Russia is inChinese social platforms bring goods. She frequently "thanks China" in the platform and called "want to marry a Chinese man", and has harvested many Chinese fans.But recently the "net red" was revealed to be "AI changing", and it was stolen Olga Loiek, a Ukrainian beauty net red with exquisite faces.

Olga posted a video complaint entitled "Someone copied me in China in China" on his own YouTube channel on January 29. Some people created a Chinese social media such as Xiaohongshu and B Station.The Russian woman "Natasha", who claims to have lived in China for eight years, and has issued "Sino -Russian friendship", "thanks to China", "want to marry Chinese men", "deep love China", "deeply love China" in China"Wait for Chinese slogans, but this person actually replicated Olga's face and sound with AI.

Olga said, "She (Natasha) has my face, she has my voice, and speaks fluent Chinese."Olga was angry about this and complained to major Chinese social media, but she said she had not responded for a few weeks, so she decided to shoot the matter on his YouTube publicly.

Olga's expression in the film seriously pointed out that her family and compatriots in Ukraine were suffering from Russia, but she was promoted to Russia's benefits by AI.Russian food with goods.

It is understood that there are currently more than 140,000 fans named "Natasha", and there are more fans in Olga.The account also brought the goods and sold Russia to the Chinese.

Many netizens leave a message in the film, expressing fear, and said that "really can't see it", and some netizens analyzed that from the perspective of the number and diversification of fake accounts,Industry.Special technology companies are stealing real -life materials and integration, and launching user templates, allowing ordinary people to make fake films and operations easily.

Some netizens who claim to be Chinese have expressed "sorry" by Olga's experience, "shocked and condemned this shameless business behavior", and said it had helped report to relevant Chinese platforms.