The US Department of Commerce on Friday (February 23) on the grounds of supporting Russia's war against Ukraine, it announced that 93 new trade from 93 entities from Russia, China, Turkey, UAE, Kyrgyzstan, India, and South Korealimit.Liu Pengyu, a Chinese embassy in the United States, said in an interview with Russian media that this is a typical economic coercion.

According to the Russian Tasis, Liu Pengyu said that the United States imposed more unilateral sanctions on Chinese companies on the grounds of the relationship between Chinese companies and Russia.This is a typical economic coercion, unilateralism and bullying.

Liu Pengyu said that China has resolutely opposed the concept of the United States' excessive expansion of national security and abuse national power against Chinese companies.The United States should immediately correct mistakes, stop curbing and targeting Chinese companies.China will continue to take all necessary measures to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises.

According to Reuters, on the occasion of the second anniversary of the Russia and Ukraine War, the US Department of Commerce decided to include 93 entities from Russia, China, Turkey, the UAE and other countries on the "physical list".63 of them are from Russia, 16 from Türkiye, eight from China, and four from the UAE.This is one of the latest rounds of sanctions and export control measures adopted by the United States and its partners and allies against Russia in Ukraine.

U.S. President Biden also announced on Friday that Washington will release more than 500 new sanctions against Russia to increase pressure on Moscow.