After the chase of mainland Chinese fishing vessels in the Golden Gate waters, disputes in the Golden Champion Sea on both sides of the strait have risen. The U.S. State Department called for restraint and urged mainland China to have a meaningful dialogue with Taiwan to reduce the risk of misjudgment.

According to the official website of the US State Department, the US State Department spokePay close attention to Beijing Action.

Miller said that the United States has continued to urge to keep restraint and not unilaterally change the status quo; and said that for decades, this status has maintained peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the entire region.

The United States also urged mainland China to have meaningful dialogue with Taiwan to reduce the risk of misjudgment.

A mainland speedboat entered the Golden Champ from 0.86 nautical miles (about 1.6 kilometers) from Golden Gate on the afternoonTwo of them were killed.

Mainland officials proposed that there are no "prohibition and restrictions on waters" on Sunday (18th), and announced that the Fujian Sea Police Station will carry out normalized law enforcement inspections in this sea area.The Mainland Marine Police boarded the Golden Gate Tourist Ship for half an hour on Monday (19th) in the afternoon.