(Manila Composite Electric) The Philippines and the United States on Monday (February 19) to conduct joint air patrol over air disputes in the South China Sea, causing China to rebuke.

The head of the public affairs of the Philippine Armed Forces, Trinida, said that the United States and the Philippine combined air patrols are to enhance the coordinated operation capabilities of the two armies, "and" and the ability to enhance our air force to implement the task of protecting territories, sovereignty and national interests ".Essence

Trinida said that the Philippines hopes to carry out more joint maritime activities with allies and other like -minded partners to maintain peace in the Indo -Pacific region.

China has accused the Philippines of winning the territory of the South China Sea, the so -called "combined air patrol" and public hype.

The Chinese People's Liberation Army's southern theater on Monday night posted on Weibo that the first -tier sea and air soldiers had been organized.The Chinese army maintains a high degree of vigilance, "resolutely defending national sovereign security and marine rights, and resolutely safeguarding peace and stability in the South China Sea."

Since last year, China and the Philippines have continued to confront the islands and reefs around the South China Sea sovereignty.The two countries have collided many times, and the Philippines has accused Chinese ships of launching water cannons to the Filipino vessels.

Under the leadership of President President Presby, the Philippines has strengthened long -term defense cooperative relationships with the United States.Washington and Manila have recently held joint patrols in the South China Sea sovereign dispute.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said at a regular press conference on Monday that the Philippines claiming that Chinese fishermen used the saying of cyanide to destroy the traditional fishing grounds of the Philippine fishermen in the waters of Huangyan Island (also known as the Skobel Shila)., Occupy out of thin air.

Mao Ning said: "China has indisputable sovereignty over the waters of Huangyan Island and its nearby.

The Philippine Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Bureau have accused Chinese and Vietnamese fishermen in the use of cyanide to destroy corals and marine resources on the shallow beaches of Scarberg, which is expected to cause losses of more than 1 billion pesos (about S $ 24 million).

Pamalakaya (Pamalakaya) calls on the Philippine government to take action immediately to deal with Chinese fishermen who disrupt the Philippine marine resources.

The National President of the Fisherman Alliance, Hikapapa, emphasized that the Philippine Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Bureau regularly patrol on the Skobel Shilatan. It is too late to solve the extensive damage caused by Chinese fishermen to that sea area, such as coral reef damage and fishery resources.

Hikapapa said: "Punishment of foreign illegal fishing must be combined with patrol."