(Manila Comprehensive) The Philippines Sunday (February 25) once again accused the Chinese maritime police from trying to intercept the Filipino government ships that transported materials to Filipino fishermen in the waters of the Skobel (China known as Huangyan Island).China refers to the sea area where the Philippine fishing vessels invade China.

The Filipino Coast Guard spokesman Tarira said that last Thursday (22nd), the Philippine Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Bureau's official ship "BRP Datu Sanday" was trapped by four Chinese marine police ships while transporting materials.Interception, three of which were 100 meters from the nattoo of Datuk Sang, the natalkeeper of Datuk Sang.

The accident report of the Philippine Coast Guard also lists the tracking of the Chinese Maritime Police Ship, interfere with the ship responseer and other dangerous actions.

Tarira said: "Although facing these dangerous actions, Captain Lam Du Sang still shows superb navigation technology and successfully escaped the interception."

On February 15th and 16th, the "Datu Tamblot" of the Philippine Fishing Property Bureau was also intercepted by the Chinese Maritime Police Ship in the Skobel Sky.

Gan Yu, a spokesman for the China Maritime Police Station, posted on the public account of the China Maritime Police, saying that from February 22 to 23, the Philippine Fisheries Bureau 3002 ship "regardless of the Chinese side repeatedly discouraged and warned, insisted on invading the neighboring waters near Huangyan Island, ChinaChina Maritime Police and ships have repeatedly shouted warnings, and they are driven by necessary measures such as the Philippine ship with supervisors and the control of routes in accordance with the law.

Gan Yu urged the Philippines to stop the infringement immediately, and emphasized that the Chinese Maritime Police carried out rights law enforcement activities in China's jurisdiction in accordance with the law, and resolutely safeguarded national sovereignty and marine rights.

The sovereignty of the South China Sea has a long history. Mainland China, Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei, and Vietnam have all voiced the South China Sea part or all sovereignty.After the Philippine President President Macos came to power, the Filipino friction and confrontation in the South China Sea became more intense.

Research: China Destroy 21,000 acres of coral reefs in the West Fei Sea

At the University of the University of Philippines Ocean Science Institute, Atrig Neya said that a research report from the Institute of International Strategy (CSIS) of the US Think Tank shows that China has destroyed at least 21,000 acres (about 85 square kilometers in the Western Philippines Sea in the Western Philippines) For coral reefs, the Philippines will face the problem of decline in fishery output.The Philippines named the South China Sea exclusive economic zone west of the Philippines as the West Philippines Sea.

CSIS's Asian Maritime Transparent Initiative Organization Another report states that coral reefs are destroyed to blame China's dredging operations in the South China Sea, reclamation and islands, and fishing clams.

Atrigero said that if China continues to carry out engineering in the South China Sea, the worst situation may be the extinction of fish reefs.

A spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines responded that CSIS made false reports, relying on a few satellite pictures "viewing pictures and speaking", and emphasized that China has always attached great importance to ecological environmental protection in Nansha Island Reef and nearby waters.Law and international law carry out environmental protection and monitoring.