(Phnom Penh News) In recent years, China's investment in the "Belt and Road" projects has become more rigorous, which has caused the engineering projects such as Cambodia's airports and other infrastructure projects.These projects have originally stimulated local development, but now they have triggered the issue of land disputes and confidence.

Asia reported that China originally planned to invest in airports in the remote Moncori province in eastern Cambodia, but China Electric Power Construction Group withdrew this total value of US $ 80 million (about S $ 107 million) in 2022 (about S $ 107 million).Airport development agreement.The new airport project of the capital Phnom Penh also lost China's funds in 2021.

With the slowdown of Beijing's investment in the “Belt and Road” initiative, Cambodia Prime Minister Hongma Naine called on Monday (February 19) calling on Chinese companies to invest in other major infrastructure projects in the country.

Analysts believe that when promoting Chinese -funded projects in Cambodia, political interests often exceed economic interests.

Erl, a professor of political science at Arizona State University, said: "This can't help but ask whether politics and security play a greater role than economic returns. In this case, the slowdown in Chinese investment may be all reasons for all these reasons.Cause -funds are exhausted, and political and security considerations can no longer promote decision -making alone. "

Investment returns are not clear.The Siem Reap Angkor International Airport, which cost $ 1.1 billion, has not yet promoted the level of the tourism industry to the level before the 2019 crown disease epidemic.

Although these infrastructure projects have been promoted to promote local development, these unfinished airports have triggered land conflict and speculative activities.Slang, a resident near the Monopici Provincial Airport Project, said that the construction of the airport has affected many families living on the project land. In the past few years, he had to sell most of farmland.

In Phnom Penh, some communities related to the construction of the airport are facing violence, arrest and deportation.Residents near the construction site told reporters that they were being kicked out of the house and did not get fair compensation.

A resident said, "The official promise to our new land, but so far."