The United States refers to the cranes made in China to harm national security, and said that measures will take measures to respond to this risk, including a large number of cranes invested in the United States.In response

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning made the above statements when answering the reporter asked about questions and answers on questions on Friday (February 23).

Mao Ning pointed out that the toolization and weaponization of economic and trade issues will only exacerbate the security risks of global supply chain and eventually harm others.

Mao Ning said that I hope that the United States can effectively respect the principles of market economy and fair competition, and provide a fair, fair, non -discriminatory environment for Chinese enterprise operations, and China will continue to firmly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of their own enterprises.

The US President Biden signed an administrative order on Wednesday (21st) to give the Ministry of Land and Security greater power to strengthen the network security of the US port, especially to take measures to deal with the existing Chinese lifting machines in the harbor in the port.Security Risk.The United States will also invest in domestic port infrastructure and introduce reliable foreign crane manufacturers.

Fan En, commander of the US Coast Guard Network Command, said that more than 200 of the cranes used in ports in the United States were made in China, accounting for nearly 80 % of the total.He said: "According to the design, these cranes can be remotely controlled, maintained, and programmed. This characteristic may make Chinese -made heavy machines vulnerable to use."

According to the Hong Kong South China Morning Post on Wednesday reports, US officials warned that Beijing officials, BeijingIt may be remotely operated by a crane made of China to disturb the circulation of goods.US officials are also worried that the data collected from the crane may leak information about US military transportation and endanger national security.