Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi was committed to repairing relations with countries such as Europe, Canada, and Ukraine during the Munich Conference in Germany.Interviewed scholars analyzed that Beijing used European countries' uneasiness to the US elections to repair relations with these countries so that in the March "two sessions" (National People's Congress and CPPCC Conference) in March, to maintain a stable external environment.

Wang Yi went to Germany to attend the Munich Safety Conference on Friday (February 16).According to the press release of the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Yi said on the 17th local time with Germany's Prime Minister Shuerz that China supports Germany to play a greater role in international and regional affairs.Believe each other, strengthen collaboration, and jointly provide the world with more stability and certainty.

Wang Yi emphasized when meeting with German Foreign Minister Berbak that there was no fundamental conflict between China and Germany.China is willing to be with the German side to eliminate interference and form more consensus, and understand and support each other on the issues involving their core interests.

With the start of the US presidential election, Trump may re-enter the master.The unstable factors brought by the White House monopoly global politics .In addition to , , also, also, also, also, also, also, also, also, also.Foreign ministers such as Britain, Mongolia, the European Union, France, Argentina, Canada, Ukraine, Poland and other foreign ministers.

From the content of the talks, it can be seen that Wang Yi is committed to repairing relations with Western countries outside the United States.

For example, when he met with a senior representative of the European Union ’s diplomacy and security policy, he said that the world situation has intensified, and uncertainty and instability have increased significantly. As a stable force in the world, China and Europe should work together to deal with challenges;When meeting the British Foreign Minister Cameron, Wang Yi also emphasized that The correct track of the relationship between the two countries returns to the healthy and stable development .

When meeting with Canadian Foreign Minister Joli, Wang Yi said, Opponents are not enemies and should become partners.

In addition, when Wang Yi met with Ukraine Foreign Minister Culba, he first emphasized that the two countries were strategic partners as early as many years ago. No matter how the international situation changes, China hopes that China -Ukraine relations will develop normally.

He also reiterated China's principles on the Ukrainian issue, including without arched fire, do not take the opportunity to profit, and sell fatal weapons to the conflict area or the conflict party.

Wang Yi did not forget to reiterate when he delivered a keynote speech at the "China Specialty" in the Munich Safety Conference on the 17th. China is willing to do a stable force that promotes cooperation in large powers, respond to hot issues, strengthen global governance, and promote global growth.However, when talking about the Xinjiang, the South China Sea, and the Taiwan issue, Wang Yi reiterated the established position and did not give up.

After finishing the Munich itinerary, Wang Yi arrived in Spain on the 18th local time for visit.After meeting with Spain's Foreign Minister Alvarez, he emphasized at a press conference that he was willing to build a strategic bilateral relationship with Spain, and expand new areas such as electric vehicles, green energy, and digital economy.

Wang Yi also said that China has announced the release of restrictions on the loss of bone beef beef beef beef under the age of August in Spain.Since 2000, in response to the occurrence of crazy cow disease in Europe, Beijing has decided to ban the beef products from EU member states to lose China.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi arrived in Spain on February 18, local time, and met with Spanish Foreign Minister Alvarez (right).(Reuters)

Wang Hongren, a professor at the Department of Political Science at Taiwan Chenggong University, analyzed in an interview with the United Morning Post that China and Europe have intended to repair bilateral relations, which can be described as required.

He believes that for Beijing, the severe degree of internal affairs is higher than diplomacy. Therefore, before the two national sessions were held in March, it first consolidated and attracted the relationship with American allies to help maintain a stable external environment to let go to let goHandle internal affairs.

As for the attitude of European countries, Wang Hongren believes that Trump comes to power means that the United States may reduce its support for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization./Story20240214-1468100 "Roth = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _blank> even withdrawn from NATO , European countries must prepare pre-preparation.At this time, the relationship with China, Holding .