(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Ministry of Commerce of China has criticized the United States to repeatedly inspect Chinese -funded Chinese companies in the United States, which seriously affects the normal business activities of Chinese companies and damage Chinese enterprises' confidence in investing in the United States.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Commerce of China, the Ministry of Commerce spokesman said on Tuesday (January 30) in the form of a reporter that the United States has recently raided and Chinese -funded enterprises in the United States.See the personal equipment such as mobile phones, computers, and disturbing Chinese enterprises and business people, which seriously affects the normal business activities of the enterprise and damages the confidence of Chinese enterprises in investing in the United States.

A spokesman urged the United States to immediately stop the disturbance of Chinese enterprises and business personnel, provide a safe, transparent, and fair business environment, and emphasized that it will closely pay attention to the development of the situation and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises and citizens.

According to a report by the United States on January 21, the Ministry of Land and Safety searched the Chinese automobile parts manufacturer Qingdao Sanxiang Technology on the 18th of this month.

The U.S. Congress accused Sanxiang Technology in September last year that Sanxiang Technology was suspected of passing the third country's transfer of goods to avoid US tariffs.

Sanxiang Technology issued an announcement on the 22nd of this month to confirm the news of being searched, but as of the disclosure of the announcement, the US law enforcement agencies have issued relevant progress documents.The company has hired professional lawyers to respond and is comprehensively evaluating the potential impact of the incident.