"Morality, Morality, Morality!"

In just a few words, the personality of Indonesia's Minister of Defense Plabovo, and his attitude of responding to the controversy.The presidential candidate who led in polls has not been bombarded by intellectuals and opponents because he is considered unfair to gain an advantage in the past few months.

Faced with the candidate opponent and the former head of Jakarta Special Economic Zone Anis, on December 12 last year, he asked "how to think about moral subjects" on the candidate debate.Anis' questioning method, then blurted out "NDASMU ETIK!"

Java, NDASMU is literally translated as "your head".Although it can be a joke, with the context of the time, everyone saw the disdain of the former general to the opponent.

Plabovo (right) met with supporters in Jakarta on January 26.(Reuters)

There are several reasons for disdain.The first is that Plabowo is in a leading position, and has a leading more than 20 percentage points in a number of polls.Such a big advantage is largely due to Indonesia President Zoko, who plays the role of king behind him.Although Zoko did not explicitly explicitly support which party, from his sister -in -law Anwar, he promulgated a controversial ruling during his tenure in the Constitution Court, so that Zoko's eldest son Giblan was qualified for the election, and then announced that he would announce the Gilgalus in Plabovo.Lan is the deputy, and Zoko has been selected in this election, and the outside world has formed a certain view.Plabovo has obtained a large number of supporters of Zoko with the high popularity of Zako.

This is also the place where Indonesia's politics.In the past two presidential elections, Plabowo met with Zoko, but both lost to Zoko twice.The outside world thought that Plabowavo's political career was blocked. I did not expect that Zoko took political enemies into the cabinet and gave him a chance to reap.

Jointing with Plabowo is tantamount to a "Marriage of Convenience".Gandhar, a presidential candidate for the Democratic Party of Plaboor and Zoko, is the most likely to continue the Zoko policy.For Zoko, if he had to choose one, he was obviously reluctant to bet on Gandhar, who is likely to be subject to the party leader, the party leader.Conversely, if Plabovo was elected, it would really continue to continue with Zoko's policy, but Zoko did not have a better card.Even if he violated the anger and was accused of engaging in a tape, he had to let go.

Plabovo (left) and President Zako's eldest son Giblan partnered to compete for Zheng and Vice President.Giblan was qualified for campaign through a controversial ruling through the Constitutional Court, and the outside world criticized Zoko to engage in a ribbon in order to establish a political dynasty.(Agence France -Presse)

For Plabowo, this election campaign is also a game of high bets.Plabovo is 72 years old. Observer generally believes that this election is the last opportunity for his life to circle the presidential dream.

Although Prabowo's current public opinion support rate exceeds 40 %, if there are no more than half of the votes of the votes, the two groups of people with the highest votes have to perform the second round of elections to determine the victory and defeat.

Dr. Ian Wilson, a visiting researcher at the Yosov Issa East South Asian Research Institute in Singapore, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that if you enter the second round of elections, the two camps of Anis and Gander will join forces to fight against PlaboorThe possibility will lead to more fierce election campaign.They may include a large number of votes in the three large provinces of West Java, Central Java and East Java to increase winning.If Plabowo wants to avoid more night dreams, he must win in the first round of voting.

Plabovo (left) is currently leading in polls, but the support rate has not yet reached the threshold for more than half of the votes required to lock the victory.It is reported that the former head of the Jakarta Special Economic Zone Anis (right) and former Governor of Central Java Province Gandhar have discussed to join forces in the second round to form resistance to Prabowo.(Reuters)

Another reason why Plabowo's disdain for the opponent is his personality.He is a well -known temperament and a hot temper. From the military background of the pre -political military, he also left his unsmiling image in the public's vision.

Plaboopo creates a "cute" image in social media

The campaign team intends to reshape his image this time. The candidate avatar in the candidate in the poster uses a cartoon style with joy to shorten the distance from young people.It is a video circulating on social media is "Gemoy" Plabovo's videos of dancing with light music.Even the picture of the opponent's siege in the presidential candidate's debate was cleverly matched with sad music to create Plaboor's pitiful appearance.Compared with the image of the "Angry Han" in the past, everyone now sees Prabowo, who is "thick version".

Plabovo tried to pay tribute to supporters when attending a campaign rally on January 27.He is born in the army, and has so far greeted people with the worship gesture of the army.(Bloomberg)

Ambang Priyonggo, assistant professor of the School of Communication at Nugoshan Dala Multi -Media University, commented that in order to win the election campaign, Plabowa was even willing to choose Zoko's eldest son as the deputy.

"This is also what everyone is worried about, that is, he will take any means in order to win."

How to "take any means" can be seen from the past events.In the last two presidential elections, Plaboopova lined with radical religious elements and far -right people to join the camp.The initial fast calculation results showed that when he was defeated, the supporters also marched to demonstrate and evolved into a riots.

If you trace earlier, Plabovo is also accused of planning the 1998 Jakarta Chinese discharge incident and torture democracy during the turmoil.Although he has denied many years, these deeds will inevitably leave a flaw for his human rights records.

Time to move, the Indonesian Chinese News Agency is sincere.Some people think that Plabovo was a sinful lamb that year; some still had doubts about him; some voices believed that if he left the human rights issue, Plabovo was still a patriotic nationalist in maintaining national interests.

As for the broader Indonesian voters, Wilson analyzed that the younger generation has not experienced the turbulence of 1998, so it is more regarded as "long history" of human rights.

Although the campaign team attempts to create Plabowo's thick image, facing the provocations of the opponent on the debate field, PramaAfter all, Bowo couldn't hide the sinking side.

As far as this is concerned, it can be seen that Plabovo's personality is quite clear and consistent.The tough personality is not necessarily disadvantaged.Liu Minli, a senior researcher at the Esunov Isaov Isa Easa East South Asian Research Institute, and the director of the Indonesian research project, said that some voters, especially voters who miss the "beautiful Suhajo era", will prefer to prefer Plaboopoleader.

Just, if such a number of characters is elected, does it mean that the nightmare of democracy is true, Indonesia returns to centralized rule?Wilson believes that due to the essence of Indonesia's political ecology "tradingism", Indonesia is unlikely to have a centralized suppression style, but Plabovo may use Zoko's approach to use the hostile camp into the governing alliance.In disguise to eliminate opposition.This also means that Indonesia's election democracy will be further hollowed out.

Indonesia's political environment is complicated. If the election enters the second round, there will be more variables, and it will not be ruled out that turbulence may occur.However, whether it is a round or two rounds of voting, from the glory and disgrace of Plaboor's political career and the campaign resource collected by his hand, he will be sure to get this election.

Even if the opponents of Prabowo are not satisfied with him to establish an advantage in a "unfairness" manner, for Plabovo, as long as the purpose can be achieved, it is estimated that there is no fair argument.In his words, it may be "fairness, fairness, and fairness."