(Washington / Beijing Comprehensive News) The U.S. government announced a suggestion on Monday (January 29), requiring cloud service providers to disclose the names and IP addresses of foreign customers, which may further exacerbate the conflict between the two countries in the technology field.China urges the United States not to violate the objective laws of scientific and technological development, and effectively respect the principles of market economy and fair competition.

According to Bloomberg, according to this suggestion of Biden's government, cloud service providers such as Amazon, Microsoft, Google, etc. must allocate budgets, actively investigate foreign customers who develop artificial intelligence (AI) on their platforms, and report any suspicious activitiesEssenceCloud service providers will have the responsibility of collecting, storing and analyzing customer data. These requirements will be similar to the strict rules of the financial industry that must understand customers.

If this proposal is implemented, the US government may use these requirements to cut off a main channel for Chinese companies to access data centers and servers, and these data centers and servers are important for training and hosting AI applications.

In response, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin responded at a regular press conference on Monday that the development of artificial intelligence development and governance is related to the fate of all mankind. What requires group strength and coordinated response, rather than decoupled chains and fences to build walls.

Wang Wenbin said that China urges the United States to not violate the objective laws of scientific and technological development, effectively respect the principles of market economy and fair competition, and create good conditions for strengthening international coordinated cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence.

The Wall Street Journal quoted sources last July that the Biden government is preparing to restrict Chinese companies using US cloud computing services because Chinese artificial intelligence companies use American cloud services to bypass the current export control regulations.

US Minister of Commerce Raymond on Friday local time (January 26) said that the department is studying new regulations to require cloud computing companies to report when foreign customers try to develop artificial intelligence models to strengthen data security supervision.