(Comprehensive News) Indonesia President Zoko and Presidential candidate Plabowo were photographed for lunch. This is the second time the two have been photographed for dinner within a month, further deepening ZakoSupport Plaboor's guess.

According to the Jakarta Global Daily, when Zokko and Plabowo were interviewed by reporters, they both avoided disclosure of what they talked about in the dinner.

Zoko said: "We just presided over the opening ceremony of the Grand Hall of the Magram Military Academy, and came here to enjoy the meatball soup."

Plabowo also turned the reporter's attention to the food: "Mr. Zoko always knows where to eat food."

On January 5th, Zoko and Prabowa were photographed for dinner in a restaurant in Jakarta Central District to dinner for dinner. Treating the outside world's discussion. This is the signal of Zokko's support for Prabowo and criticized Zoko's unconstitutional.

Zoko has not expressed support for any presidential candidate, but his eldest son Giblan is a campaign partner of Plabowo. His young son Kasan is the leader of the Indonesian unity party.EssenceZoko has interacted with Plaboor many times. Public opinion believes that Zoko obviously biases his Minister of Defense.

Applying for a campaign vacation in various camps

Political Observer, Democrats, and Plaboor's opponent camps have put pressure on, asking Zoko to apply for a campaign leave.

The constitution expert of the University of Indonesia, Titty, said: "If the president wants to help the election, he must ask for leave, announce his leave document for public viewing, and (tell us) the document will be processed. All these must be completed seven days in advance."

After attending the military aircraft delivery ceremony with Plaboor last week, Zoko made a statement that the president could freely select the side station in the campaign to attract criticism from all parties.He later posted a video to explain that he was only asking reporters if he could respond to the Cabinet Minister, and called on the outside world to not break the chapters.

Indonesia's current law stipulates that Zheng and Vice President and other officials can help the election, but must be requested during the election and must not use national resources.

Some analysts said that Zoko stood beside Plabowo to make a statement that presidents could choose to choose the side station, which was a problem in itself.Some people think that Zoko is doing this to convince the supporters to believe that he is standing on Plaboor.

According to the Jakarta Post, Hashan, a researcher at the Democratic Association of the Election and Democratic Association, was worried that Zoko's remarks may produce "far -reaching bone card effects", because this provides local officials with the need to favor one party in the election.The reason will eventually destroy the fairness and integrity of the election.

Critics said that many recent work strokes revolved around the election rally of Plaboor's competitors Anis and Gandhar, which seemed to be distracted by their momentum and took the opportunity to fight for Plaboor.

Another observer believes that a number of populist policies implemented by Zoko are formulated to support Plabowo, including the issuance of El Nino cash subsidies to low -income families, and the first increase in civil servants in five years.

Zoko's actions and remarks have caused resentment, and some people call on social media to call for voters not to vote for Plaboor and Giblan.