(Jakarta Comprehensive)) Indonesia Jakarta -Bandung High -speed Railway (Yawan High Speed ​​Rail) was put into operation last October. As of the financial forecast report at the end of last year, the first year of the Yawan high -speed railway may face 3.15 trillion in IndonesiaShield (about S $ 268 million) losses.

The KRETA Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC) jointly established by four Indonesian state -owned enterprises and China Railway International Co., Ltd. is responsible for the construction and operation.According to the Financial Forecast of the Jakarta Post in December 2023, KCIC is seeking to reduce the gap through so -called cash deficience support.Analysts believe that support is likely to be obtained through bank loans.

At the end of December last year, the Yawan High -speed Railway, that is, for more than two months, has accumulated a total of 1 million passengers.KCIC is expected to reach 2 trillion Indonesian shields this year, of which more than 95%are ticket sales.However, the financial forecast report shows that the company has spent 3.32 trillion Indonesian shields to maintain operations, and it costs an additional 1.84 trillion Indonesian shield to repay the loan interest and pay taxes. ThereforeEnough cash flow.

The overall cost of the Yawan high -speed rail is as high as about 7.3 billion US dollars.The National Development Bank of China provided a loan of $ 4.55 billion (about S $ 6.1 billion) to KCIC in 2017 with a term of 40 years and a interest rate of 2%.This project later over 1.2 billion U.S. dollars. In order to be completed on time, the official applied to the National Development Bank of China at the beginning of this year to apply for a loan of about 560 million US dollars to make up for the cost of overdue.As a result, KCIC has been carrying huge debts.

deficit or whether the railway has extended the railway for decades to become the presidential problem

Analysts believe that the deficit of the Yawan high -speed rail may last for decades, and it may affect state -owned enterprises participating in this project, especially the Indonesian National Railway Corporation (KAI).The Yawan high -speed rail must extend the route before it is expected to achieve a balance of revenue and expenditure, but KAI may not have enough resources to build railways for areas other than Java Island. The three presidential candidates do not mention the plan to extend the high -speed rail.The high -speed rail is difficult to continue.

Aberla, the head of the Food, Energy and Sustainable Development Center of the Indonesian think tank Economic and Financial Development Research Agency (INDEF), told the Jakarta Post that the Yawan high -speed rail will need more loans to maintain operations in the next few years, but liabilitiesContinuous increases will weaken the bargaining ability when applying for a loan.

Singapore Yusov Usa East South Asian Institute Senior Researcher and the Director of the Indonesian Research Project Sitag said that extending the route is necessary, but this requires a lot of funds. According to the current situation, if the Indonesian government allows it to give up againKAI provides more loans for the Yawan high -speed rail, which will have certain risks.

He said: "This depends on the political decision of the next president. Is he going to save this high -speed rail project or tend to support large -scale development projects like the new capital Nushan Dala?"

The Yaman high -speed railway is 142 kilometers long and the highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour. It is the first high -speed rail in Indonesia and even Southeast Asia.After the opening of the high -speed rail, the traffic time of Yaman Liang City was shortened from more than three hours to about 45 minutes.