(Washington News) The Chinese Embassy in the United States recently criticized the United States' frequent inspection and forced repatriation of Chinese students, and proposed a serious negotiation.

According to the official website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, the ambassador to the United States Xie Feng, Sunday (January 28), pointed out at the 45th anniversary of studying in China and the United States and the 2024 Sino -US Youth New Year Gala.In the case, the Chinese students who hold a legal and effective visa label, and even forced repatriation and prohibit entry. "This is absolutely unacceptable."

He said that the Chinese students who were rejected to enter the country held a legitimate and effective visa and did not have a record of illegal crimes.Ask for hours, and he wanted to contact his parents and was rejected.

Xie Feng said that the cold effect of the US "China Action Plan" has not yet been eliminated. Recently, Florida has also legislated to prohibit Chinese students from entering the laboratory of public colleges.He pointed out that the politics and tooling of educational exchanges and cooperation will not only block the road of studying students and change their life planning, but also lead to the loss of cutting -edge talents in the United States, endangering the American scientific research environment and innovative vitality.

He said that if normal personnel exchanges are cut off, "How to maintain and develop the relationship between the great powers?

The Chinese Embassy in the United States (January 29) also reminded Chinese students who went to the United States to enter the country from Washington Dules International Airport.The embassy pointed out that many Chinese students have recently entered the country from the airport, and they have been repatriated by the US border law enforcement officers for no reason to investigate, disturb, and cancel visas.

The embassy said that these international students returned to the United States after returning to their vacations, traveling to a third country or attending the meeting, or arrived in the United States when they enrolled in the new students.Inspection, even limited to more than ten hours of freedom, and prohibited from contacting the outside world.

The Chinese Embassy in the United States stated that the United States frequently inspected or even repatriated to Chinese students, which seriously damaged the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens, and met with the consensus on promoting the cultural exchanges between the two countries.Essence

In response to the rejection of international students, China has repeatedly expressed strong dissatisfaction recently.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin also criticized at a regular press conference on January 4 that the United States' approach is typical selectivity, discrimination, and political law enforcement. The Chinese side strongly dissatisfied with this and resolutely opposed it.

汪文斌说,中方敦促美方把欢迎中国留学生的表态落到实处,撤销错误的第10043号行政令,停止以国家安全为借口,针对限制中国赴美留学人员,切实保障中国在美学者、Students' safety and legitimate rights and interests.

President No. 10043, which was signed by then US President Trump in May 2020, was announced to prohibit students and researchers related to the Chinese army from entering the United States to study or conduct research.