China Biotechnology Company Yaoming Biological Announcement, the U.S. House of Representatives described his chief executive Chen Zhisheng's experience misleading last week, and he has never served in any military background institution.

Li Ge, Chairman of Yaoming Bio, announced on Monday (January 29) on the Hong Kong Exchange that the company noticed on Friday (January 26) noticed that the US House of Representatives proposed a draft bill, suggesting restrictions on restrictions on restrictionsUS administrative organs shall establish contracts with several biotechnology suppliers.The draft bill still needs to be further reviewed by the US legislature.

According to the announcement, the description of the company's chief executive officer and executive director Chen Zhisheng in the draft of the bill is misleading.The academic title mentioned in the draft of the bill was awarded as a kind of courtesy after Chen Zhisheng was invited to lecture in 2013. This is the practice of Chinese colleges and universities.

The company understood that Chen Zhisheng did not work in these institutions before and after that.He has not worked for the Academy of Military Medical Sciences or any institution with a military background, nor has he received any compensation from an institution with a military background.

The company's global operations are as usual.The company is committed to serving global customers and operating in accordance with the strictest compliance standards and laws and regulations applicable to business areas.

According to Bloomberg News, a cross -party group consisting of members of the two houses of the United States proposed a bill last Thursday (January 25), claiming to worry about some Chinese biotechnology companies risky by US national security constitutional risks, To prevent them from getting federal contracts.

As soon as the news came out, Yaoming Kant's stock price of Hong Kong stocks plummeted by 32%on Friday (26th), and the stock price of Yaoming Bio also dropped by 28%, and dragged down the Hong Kong benchmark stock index once fell by 2%.

Chen Zhisheng, CEO of Yaoming Bio, said in an interview with the First Financial Economics that the current market rumors were just a proposal for anti -Chinese parliamentarians to become a minor probability event to become a law, and it takes several years."I personally do not work in any military institution. We will announce it as soon as possible."