According to Reuters reported on January 28, US President Biden and US officials said on the 28th that the U.S. military deployed in the northeast of Jordan was attacked by dronesThe three US soldiers died, and dozens of others were injured.

It is reported that Biden has accused Iran's support for armed organizations launched an attack. This is the first time that the U.S. military has encountered a fatal attack since the outbreak of Pakistan -Israel Palestinia.

Bayeng said in a statement: "Although we are still collecting information about this attack, we know that it is implemented by the extreme armed organizations supported by Iran in Syria and Iraq." Biden said that the United States will take revenge at the time they choose.

It is reported that US Secretary of Defense Austin also issued the same threat.He and other senior American officials reported the attack to Biden earlier.

A U.S. official said at least 34 U.S. soldiers were withdrawn from the base for possible traumatic brain injury.

Two U.S. officials said that the drone hit the place near the barracks in the early morning, which caused a large number of casualties.

The Iraqi Islamic Resistance Organization announced that it has attacked three US military bases, including the base located in the border area of ​​Jordan and Syria.

According to Agence France -Presse, Jordan condemned the attack on the death of the three U.S. soldiers on the 28th, but the Jordan government spokesman said earlier that the place where the attack was not in Jordan.

The spokesman said that the target of the attack was the base of the US military in Syrian.(Compiled/Pan Jian) ​​