After a magnitude 7.2 strong earthquake occurred in Hualien, Taiwan, several F-16 fighters were reportedly damaged. The Taiwan military responded that the fighter aircraft were damaged by small parts, and the restoration has been completed, which does not affect combat reserve.

According to the Taiwan China Times report, a strong earthquake occurred at 7:58 am on Wednesday (April 3) in the eastern part of Taiwan, which ledThere are many turtles and falling off on the wall. At present, at least eight F-16 fighters are slightly damaged due to collision.

Reported that the damage of the fighter may cause air defense dispatching problems.

The Taiwan Air Force Command said that according to the inspection, the fighters were damaged by small parts and did not affect any body. After replacement and repair immediately, the combat reserve status was resumed immediately and it was not affected.

The Taiwanese military people responded in response to the interview with the Taiwan Central News Agency that the fighter ladder was set up next to the fighter aircraft.It does not affect the task of combat reserve.