(Taipei Comprehensive News) The food poisoning case in Paulin Tea Room, a vegetarian restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan has made significant progress. The official survey found that the knife, cutting board, and personnel of the restaurant have detected rice yeast acid.This toxin is accused of causing diners to poison in this case.

Comprehensive Lianhe Daily Free Times, Zhongshi News Network and other Taiwan media reported that the Taipei Municipal Government held a press conference on the morning of Tuesday (April 2) to explain the progress of the case.Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan said that when the Health Bureau went to the restaurant for inspection as soon as possible, he collected two tools, a cutting board and other environmental inspections, as well as the biological test of the staff.And biological trace tests have a positive reactions of rice yeast acid.

Jiang Wanan further said that it can be confirmed that the responsibility of Baolin Tea Room "cannot run away", and the inspection results have been transferred to the prosecution.In addition, according to Wang Bicheng, the second leader of the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Taiwan last week, the victims were detected in the body of rice yeast acid, which can be determined that the poisoning incident was caused by rice yeast acid.

Rice yeast acid is a toxic substance.Comprehensive media reports, starch products such as river powder, rice noodles, corn, and fungus soaked for too long, will produce rice yeast acid in a warm and humid environment, and can not be eliminated at high temperature cooking.The mortality rate after poisoning may be higher than 40%. In severe cases, multiple organ failure can cause symptoms within one day.

This is the first time that rice yeast acid has appeared in Taiwan. So far, two people have died and five are seriously ill.Regarding the source of rice fermentic acid this time, Jiang Wanan emphasized that the police are restoring the scene through the monitor screen, and the central government also fully cultivates rice yeast acid toxins and tries to judge the source from various conditions.

Chen Yanyuan, director of Taipei City Health, said at a press conference that the common point of all the victims is to eat kurneus, and from the survey results, the most suspicious kytotic tower is the most suspicious.However, the Ministry of Agriculture of Taiwan emphasized that products made by Taiwan -made pure rice such as noodles, such as unfered processing, did not produce rice yeast acid.

Weng Diyi, director of the Forensic Institute of National Taiwan University, said in an interview on Tuesday afternoon that the person with rice yely acidic acid was a restaurant chef.However, she judged that the chef's hand was only indirect medium, and the problem was mainly in ingredients.

Dongsen News Sunday (March 31) reported that the unknown employees who had worked in Baolin Tea Room broke the news that the restaurant had not only had no central kitchen before, but also the boss also suspected that in order to save the transportation cost of freezing cars, employees were allowed to ride motorcyclesMulti -vehicle carrier.

As of Tuesday afternoon, a total of 30 people in the food poisoning case of Baolin Tea Room have been killed. They all patronized the tea room between March 17th and 25th, of which 22 were returned from the hospital to recuperate.After the incident, a total of 11 counties and cities in Taiwan were suspended from the use of nursing tower and other foods in nutritional lunches in primary and secondary schools. The panic of the people also caused the related rice products on the market to be slow.