The Taiwan National Defense Department of the Ministry of National Defense said that it has completed the research and evaluation of a new generation of bullet anti -sheets at the end of last year.The anti -bullets of the steel core.

Comprehensive joint newspaper and freedom Times reported that the content of the budget intercousting report sent by the Taiwan Ministry of Defense to the Legislative Yuan recently, in response to the threat of the enemy's situation, and taking into account the Taiwanese body, people, weight, mobility and combat movements, etc.Syndrome.The Military Board budget with a fund for NT $ 16 million (about S $ 680,000) budget. Last year and this year developed a new generation of bullet anti -bullet boards. The single -piece anti -bullet board weighed below 2.2 kg, and the thickness was 2.1 cm.Battlefield protection.

As for the anti -bullet resistance, the Military Real Estate Bureau mentioned that the 205 factory of the Military Reserve Bureau refers to the world trend standards.The depth of the mud depression does not exceed 44 mm.

The Military and Technical Bureau said that the five cooperation units of the 205 Factory of the Military and Technical Bureau and the Taiwan University of Science and Technology of Taiwan National Defense University completed the R & D evaluation in December last year.It will increase year by year to meet the needs of military.

The active battle vest of the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense to build a three -level anti -bullet -resistant board, which has been questioned insufficient protection.According to the Central News Agency, the DPP legislator Wang Dingyu once pointed out that there is no doubt about the acceptance process of the Taiwan Army's procurement of bulletproof vest resistance, but qualifications do not represent a combination of. The standards of the Chinese PLA Bullets adopted by the Chinese PLA have long been out of date.