Xiao Meiqin, a elected vice president of Taiwan, was invited to visit the European Parliament at the European Parliament Councilor, and was received by the first speaker of the Speaker of Othmar Karas, Roberta Metsola.

The press release issued by the Taiwan Foreign Affairs Ministry on Sunday (March 24) stated that this act was invited to visit Europe for the first time before his employment, showing that Taiwan and the European Union are the value partners of ideas.

According to the press release, during the visit of Xiao Meiqin, he met with the European Parliament's head of the Chinese relations delegation, Renhard Bütikofer, and Michael Gahler, chairman of the Youtai Group.Members, and members of the Foreign Affairs Commission, delegation of China Relations, and the Youtai Group, have jointly concerned the issues of the issue of the issues of Taiwan and Europe.

In addition, Xiao Meiqin also attended the welcome reception hosted by Keller, chairman of the European Parliament Friendship Group. The attendees include vice chairman Andrey Kovatchev, Dominique Riquet, and parliamentarian An Xipu(Andrus Ansip, former Estonia Prime Minister), Anna Fotyga, former Foreign Minister of Poland), Georges Dallemagne, co -chairman of the Belgian Congress group.

Xiao Meiqin thanked the members of the Youtai Group for their long -term support for Taiwan, and hoped that the European Union would continue to support Democratic Taiwan with actual actions.

The press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan said that the smooth interview of Xiao Meiqin will help enhance that the European party is committed to maintaining the peaceful and stable Taiwan Strait of Taiwan, and deepening and developing cooperation in various fields in Taiwan and Europe.As the responsible part of the Indo -Pacific region, Taiwan will continue to deepen cooperation with partners similar to the EU and European Parliament to jointly protect the global and regional security and prosperity.