In response to whether it will commit force in mainland China at this stage, Cai Mingyan, director of Taiwan National Security, said in an interview before the Legislative Yuan made a special report that there is currently no emotional to show that the tension between Taiwan Straits has risen.

Comprehensive joint newspaper Free Times and Dongsen News cloud reports reported that Cai Mingyan was invited to attend the Legislative Yuan Foreign Defense Committee on Monday (March 11) to "respond to the convening of the CPC's two sessions and the end of the year at the end of the year.The topic report on the development of the international and cross -strait situations "and received inquiries.

For the two sessions of mainland China, Cai Mingyan said that it can be seen that the mainland regains the role of the State Council politically, becoming the executor who maintains collective leadership and implements the party's central governmentTo a certain degree of function is limited.In terms of economic aspects, it mainly sings the theory of light. In the future, the focus of economic governance is focused on the promotion of new productivity.

As for the cross -strait policy, Cai Mingyan pointed out that it is mainly in accordance with a peaceful and unified route, hoping to anti -independence, promote unity, promote merger, and oppose external forces interference.

When talking about the situation of the Taiwan Strait, Cai Mingyan said that the National Security Bureau and the Ministry of National Defense strictly in the situation of the departments of the sea, especially military dynamics, through various emotional monitoring systems and the International Friendship Alliance, for whether the mainland will be at the present stage of the current stageThe intention and related actions of the martial arts criminals are very densely discussed.

He said that no emotional capital shows that the tension situation in Taiwan has continued to rise.If there is any illegal situation, the National Security Bureau will be in accordance with the pre -response plan to avoid rising the situation and affect the stability of the Taiwan Strait.